I had a photobook printed of digi-pages from over a year ago and realized I needed to stop doing only paper. This was a very simple layout that I've wanted to do on paper, but decided to scratch off a page from my to-do list and do it digital. I'm happy with it's simplicity and I used pics John took from his camera of Day on one of his many fishing excursions this past summer.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The kid loves fishing....
I had a photobook printed of digi-pages from over a year ago and realized I needed to stop doing only paper. This was a very simple layout that I've wanted to do on paper, but decided to scratch off a page from my to-do list and do it digital. I'm happy with it's simplicity and I used pics John took from his camera of Day on one of his many fishing excursions this past summer.
Late lunches just kill me, I like food too much. 1 of the companies we refer to stops by candy once in awhile, so today I had a couple Tootsie Pops to curb my hunger.
It got me to thinking, how come there aren't smaller, stick-less versions? So much easier - more convenient and less messy. They could be called "Tootsie Drops" and stick right along the theme of the candy line already out there. I tell you, my Dad would be in Heaven!
Candy maker take note, a consumer has spoken.
It got me to thinking, how come there aren't smaller, stick-less versions? So much easier - more convenient and less messy. They could be called "Tootsie Drops" and stick right along the theme of the candy line already out there. I tell you, my Dad would be in Heaven!
Candy maker take note, a consumer has spoken.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Re-live experiences....
There's no doubt that to experience things as a kid again you just need to take a kid with you and see things through their eyes. It's double fun to take a teenager on his first roller coasters, something so adrenaline pumping is just hilarious! I even laughed when I almost got slapped in the face after Day decided last minute to throw his hands in the air like myself and so many others were doing down a straight drop. We had so much fun at Six Flags yesterday with friends, there were hardly any lines and the kids each got to do some things.
The only downer was my camera seems officially dead. I've been having problems with it for a few months, but this seems to be the end of it :( I'm in mourning. It means not only did I not get but 2 pictures on my crappy camera phone, but now I have to buy a new camera. John said he knows what to get me for Xmas, but seriously people, the man knows I won't last that long! Come on, there's Halloween and Thanksgiving before then! And that's not counting the numerous little things with the kids! Sheesh, just next weekend alone when we see him I'd want pictures!
The only downer was my camera seems officially dead. I've been having problems with it for a few months, but this seems to be the end of it :( I'm in mourning. It means not only did I not get but 2 pictures on my crappy camera phone, but now I have to buy a new camera. John said he knows what to get me for Xmas, but seriously people, the man knows I won't last that long! Come on, there's Halloween and Thanksgiving before then! And that's not counting the numerous little things with the kids! Sheesh, just next weekend alone when we see him I'd want pictures!
Friday, August 27, 2010
I'm so glad for Friday, I really need it. Though I won't get much of a break tomorrow, it will be worth it to take the kids to Six Flags with a friend and her kids. But I am salivating over the thought of sleeping in Sunday and getting to take a nap! I hate being like my father and needing so much sleep!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
1st Day of School Pic
I've been kinda remiss in posting this, but as always, when John is not home someone gets sick, this time it was me with a fever, bronchitis, and the probable start of asthma. Anyway, here is Day's the 1st day of his junior year. His classes weren't changed and I'm a little perturbed that he was auto-assigned a trade instead of a foreign language, I feel he was pigeon-holed, and we couldn't change his schedule, but he seems to be happy with all of the classes he has, plus the gentleman who gave him the summer job/work-study has offered him one during the week, which will be great! Here's to high hopes for the coming year!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Back to school
Day starts his junior year today, after agonizing over his clothes yesterday. I can't wait for him, I know he's excited! I will def take pics! We are taking a very hands-on approach this year with school work. I hate the word "micro-manage" but basically that is what will be done. He did it his way last year, but now's the time to crack down and average won't cut it. He's a great kid and we know what he is capable of!
We will also begin what I guess you could say is "homeschooling" JJ. We've always done workbooks with him and I bought him kindergarten computer program last month which he loves, but we will begin in earnest with the "homework". I don't have any worry for him because according to his daycare provider he's the furthest along in her "class." And he's already quite artistic, telling you ahead of time what he will draw and it looks like what he says. Supposedly other kids when you ask afterwards you can see them thinking of what they want to say their drawing is.
We will also begin what I guess you could say is "homeschooling" JJ. We've always done workbooks with him and I bought him kindergarten computer program last month which he loves, but we will begin in earnest with the "homework". I don't have any worry for him because according to his daycare provider he's the furthest along in her "class." And he's already quite artistic, telling you ahead of time what he will draw and it looks like what he says. Supposedly other kids when you ask afterwards you can see them thinking of what they want to say their drawing is.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Gonna be a long Fall....
John left this morning for FLETC in GA. He's so happy and I am too for all it means for our family to come (especially moving back across the bridge near my family!) But this is going to be a long 12 weeks for us. Both boys asked where he was this morning, hopefully not an indication of what's to come. We are already planning going to see him in a couple weeks, meeting up in between, and I'm going to try to fill my weekends so time goes by quicker. But it still won't be the same. I just have to remind myself it's only temporary, and like he said, it could be worse, just think what it would be like had he reenlisted in the military!
Friday, August 20, 2010
School shopping complete
John wanted to buy new shoes for his new job, so instead of going out to dinner like originally planned we went shopping. Not a bad thing, I just managed to finish Day's school shopping a couple days early. And I mean completely, utterly finished! He has enough new shirts to last him the first month without repeating himself.
And I have to give mad props to my mom for her lessons in bargain shopping. Day told me that he's going to take me shopping for his clothes for the rest of his life, even when he has his own money, he's going to give it to me to buy his clothes. of course that made me feel good ;)
And I have to give mad props to my mom for her lessons in bargain shopping. Day told me that he's going to take me shopping for his clothes for the rest of his life, even when he has his own money, he's going to give it to me to buy his clothes. of course that made me feel good ;)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
School schedule
Today is open house at the high school. Thankfully they are open long enough that I can go after picking up the boys.
I'm a little perturbed b/c the school signed Day up for HVAC, both semesters, 2 classes each. He didn't ask for this, who decided a trade was important for him that they would take away 2 classes for this?
And then have the nerve to send a note telling us to make sure he is fulfilling his graduation requirements when THEY are the ones keeping him from doing so!
I'm a little perturbed b/c the school signed Day up for HVAC, both semesters, 2 classes each. He didn't ask for this, who decided a trade was important for him that they would take away 2 classes for this?
And then have the nerve to send a note telling us to make sure he is fulfilling his graduation requirements when THEY are the ones keeping him from doing so!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Six Flags Surprise
My cousin and his wife gave us discount tickets to Six Flags, which I'm so thankful for. I'm planning a day trip with a friend and her kids, as a complete surprise. We aren't going to tell them exactly what we are doing until we pull in to the gate. I can't wait to see their faces! Day has never been to an amusement park, so it will all be new to him, his reactions will be priceless. JJ doesn't remember going to any, and if he gets to see some superheros he will be on cloud nine! It will be such a fun day making memories with the kids! Here's hoping for no rain that day!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What would I laugh at without my kids?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I'm flustered just thinking of it
John will be going to the FLETC academy in GA next week, for 12 weeks! This is the academy that all federal police officers go to, like the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Homeland Security, etc. He'll do fine, he's made it through boot camp and a couple police academies, it's me I'm worried about. How and I going to make it being the "single" mom of 3 boys? I'm lucky to have such a strong friend base, with all the offers of help I've gotten, and I'm surely going to need them to lean on, but I'm still scared witless! John's trip to FL was literally the longest we have been apart in 11 years. Now of course we will see each other maybe a couple weekends a month, but this is going to be interesting too.
I'm so happy for him and what this means for our family in the future, but this is going to be tough for awhile.
I'm so happy for him and what this means for our family in the future, but this is going to be tough for awhile.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
I still can't find my wire. I sit and doodle designs to bend for jewelry, and I can't find any of my wire! Purple, black, red, blue, green, silver, gold : each and every one has gone AWOL. How in the world could they have disappeared? I'm not the most organized person, I can't claim to be, but everything does have it's place, and these things are not in their place.
I hate making trips to Michael's, it's my "candy" store, though I make fewer and fewer all the time, and I'm better and better at spending less and less.
But to have to buy something that I KNOW is somewhere in this house, oh it makes me shudder!
I hate making trips to Michael's, it's my "candy" store, though I make fewer and fewer all the time, and I'm better and better at spending less and less.
But to have to buy something that I KNOW is somewhere in this house, oh it makes me shudder!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Police Life
"Loving A Policeman"
As you get ready for work each day
I watch quietly, and to God I silently pray
I know you must go, because duty calls
You have to keep the peace and enforce the laws
But each time that we kiss goodbye
It's sometimes hard for me not to cry
As I watch you walk out the door
My heart usually falls to the floor
For I always know it may have been my last chance
For one more kiss or one last glance
I know I have to always be strong
But I can't help but worry while you're gone
Each night as I lay in bed alone
I pray for the Lord to bring you safely home
I toss and turn for hours, but I eventually fall asleep
And I'm thankful when you awake me with a kiss on the cheek
I know what this job means to you
And I also know what the stress can do
So I want you to know just what you mean to me
And I hope I can always be the wife you need me to be
Amy Hanks
As you get ready for work each day
I watch quietly, and to God I silently pray
I know you must go, because duty calls
You have to keep the peace and enforce the laws
But each time that we kiss goodbye
It's sometimes hard for me not to cry
As I watch you walk out the door
My heart usually falls to the floor
For I always know it may have been my last chance
For one more kiss or one last glance
I know I have to always be strong
But I can't help but worry while you're gone
Each night as I lay in bed alone
I pray for the Lord to bring you safely home
I toss and turn for hours, but I eventually fall asleep
And I'm thankful when you awake me with a kiss on the cheek
I know what this job means to you
And I also know what the stress can do
So I want you to know just what you mean to me
And I hope I can always be the wife you need me to be
Amy Hanks
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sad tragedy
Someone I spent time with growing up playing dolls and zooming down a zip lune died this weekend. The loss of a young life is tragic, the way it happened a complete waste. I feel absolutely horrible for her parents because not 12 years ago they lost another child, same horrible way, long before his time, someone I graduated with, took college classes with, and again, grew up with.
Their parents were great parents, wonderful to be around, concerned for their children. It makes it so much scarier as a parent, because there is so much that I cannot control, no matter how much I want to set my children on the right paths.
I will keep trying, never give up what in this day and age has become a battle, and each night hold them a little closer, say a few more "I Love You's", give a tighter hug in the morning, and any extra kisses they want.
Children are on loan to us, their own individuals, precious of themselves. Appreciate every little thing possible!
Their parents were great parents, wonderful to be around, concerned for their children. It makes it so much scarier as a parent, because there is so much that I cannot control, no matter how much I want to set my children on the right paths.
I will keep trying, never give up what in this day and age has become a battle, and each night hold them a little closer, say a few more "I Love You's", give a tighter hug in the morning, and any extra kisses they want.
Children are on loan to us, their own individuals, precious of themselves. Appreciate every little thing possible!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Wednesday's Wisdom
Audrey Hepburn is a distant relative, but even before I knew that I admired her poise, grace, and life-long devotion to others! I can't help but do 1 Wednesday Wisdom to her! My favorite quote of hers is on my profile here, but she has so many others!
~ The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
~ A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential.
~ Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
~ It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so 'don't fuss, dear; get on with it.
~ I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
~ I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.
~ The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
~ A quality education has the power to transform societies in a single generation, provide children with the protection they need from the hazards of poverty, labor exploitation and disease, and given them the knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach their full potential.
~ Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
~ It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so 'don't fuss, dear; get on with it.
~ I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
~ I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I wanna learn....
...to knit or crochet or something.
Spend some time making scarves watching TV. Some cute matching earrings. There you go, personalized Xmas presents. And with my own scarf collection, maybe this will curb me from buying any new ones for awhile. Who knows, maybe I can get good enough to make matching hats, that would cover another thing I am hording.
But, I'm stuck, I can't find anyone who knows how to do it. I'm toying with either buying a video or getting a book. I'm going to have to teach myself, which has me a little worried.
I haven't told John yet, he'd probably roll his eyes at yet another crafty hobby.
Spend some time making scarves watching TV. Some cute matching earrings. There you go, personalized Xmas presents. And with my own scarf collection, maybe this will curb me from buying any new ones for awhile. Who knows, maybe I can get good enough to make matching hats, that would cover another thing I am hording.
But, I'm stuck, I can't find anyone who knows how to do it. I'm toying with either buying a video or getting a book. I'm going to have to teach myself, which has me a little worried.
I haven't told John yet, he'd probably roll his eyes at yet another crafty hobby.
Monday, August 2, 2010
John got me a purple "Kathy" purse this weekend that I have been coveting. Yeah, friends called me spoiled again today. So, what, I am, and I love it.
Nuff' said.
Nuff' said.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
mind fodder
A friend/coworker gave me a big bag of books Friday, mindless fodder of trashy romance novels. I'm embarrassed to say, I read 5, yes 5, this weekend. I don't know how with 2 little kids and a teenager. Yes, we even did did some school shopping yesterday and grocery shop today.
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