Monday, September 29, 2008

I hate politics

So, why is it that its socially acceptable to be a "bigot" in terms of political parties? I'm just so surprised at the number of people who pick someone to vote for just based on how they are registered, automatically disliking the other party's person. They aren't looking into where the parties stand or their voting history at all. Now, I know what you're thinking, we're free to vote how ever we want, but in all this I can't help but feel that having the different political parties hinders the system more than helps b/c the focus is not on the real issues, but just choosing the party you have affiliated yourself with.

Take me with a grain of salt when it comes to politics though, I'm a cynic in all this anyways, I feel that no matter what we're just voting for the lesser of two evils. I just feel that sometimes its trivialized.

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