Friday, May 8, 2009

His #1

So, I got to talk with my Dad's girlfriend today, she sounds really sweet and says how she can't wait to spend time with JJ. She has my Dad going to Aruba at the end of the next month! This is the man who told me I was dumb for going to the Dominican, why go anywhere else when its not Hawaii? He was such a homebody, and honestly, I'm loving the changes in him the past 2 years, he's learned to enjoy the moment, something he really needed (though yeah, I do wish he could have been this person years and years ago, but better late than never!)

But, what made my day was how she told me how I'm his #1, how she can tell how much I mean to him. My Dad had told me earlier how she's going to just love me. It's little things like that which would brighten any day. My Dad was never one to compliment me much growing up (quite the opposite)and we were never very affectionate, either verbally or physically, so these changes especially just make me the happiest daughter around!

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