Tuesday, November 17, 2009

OMG I SOOO needed a laugh

Many of you already saw my facebook post on being sick of other people lying and hurting those I care about. I fully believe if they spent that same energy on themselves they would find their own happiness and not feel the need to drag others down to their dysfunction. Trying to steal my family's happiness does not give them their own! I will not allow people to try to thwart my efforts to give my family all sense of happiness, safety, and contentedness possible!

And to a point, that means I have to take away their control over me too, I have to set the example and not let them get to me. So, to prove I can still find humor in life no matter what's thrown my way, and to find the pure joy in life by sharing the laughs with my boys, I am officially sticking my tongue out at those idiots.

So, there!

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