Saturday, December 5, 2009

To have nothing and only think of giving.....

Near where I work is a Wendy's. Sometimes when I go there for lunch there is a gentleman that sits on the side of the back road with a sign "Homeless Vet, Help." It breaks my heart that I can't "save" him but I get him lunch each time I see him sitting there. 1 day this week I happened to have a blanket in the van. I offered it to him after giving him his meal, his answer was he was pretty set that way but he knew someone else who he could give it to who could use it. I told him that would be great and to take care of himself. I was driving back to work, stuffing my face, with tears rolling down. Here's a man who has so little, thankful for what he is given, and still thinking of what HE can do to help others.

Why can't those who are blessed with so much more have half of his selfless nature?

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