Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Memory attachments

Have you ever noticed how some things just have memories attached to them? How you will hold or smell something and think of someone?

I can't open a can of peaches or chew Juicy fruit gum without thinking of my "Popeye." Someone mentions asparagus and I automatically recall my mom retelling the story of me saying how I wanted to have "those funny green beans" more often. Strawberries make me think of all the times we'd go picking for my birthday, and how I'd normally get so sick from eating more than I put in the basket. I sit and color with JJ and think about the books upon books that my grandmother kept for ALL of us grandkids to color in (and since I was the last, those books were quite old, and quite colored in, by the time I got to use them.) I look at checkers or eat the white of sunny-side up eggs and think of my grandpop.

I think of all the little, mundane things we touch daily in life and how we unconsciously attach people to those things in our brains.

It makes me wonder all of the inconsequential things in our lives that will leave an impression on my boys and make them think of me.

The things you can't plan our are the things that make the biggest, lasting impact.

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