Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fighting change

Why do some people fight change? Is it all about control, afraid they are going to lose it or just trying to control the current situation? Do they actually think that being nasty to people in the concept that they represent change make them better, superior in some way?

"Let's make your life miserable because I don't want to do things the way I'm supposed to, the way you do it."

Is change always good? No, but things can't improve without it. I understand some people get complacent, but being stagnant is not a LIFE option, you can't stop it, you will change, hence graying hairs and laugh lines. If you don't move forward, you will move backward. It's like a treadmill, if you don't keep up or move slightly faster, you will be pulled back. Fighting it only makes you miserable, and it seems, makes you want to be miserable to those around you.

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