Friday, July 30, 2010

What you learn about people....

Last night I ran into my freshman science teacher in Wal-Mart. She was asking if I kept up on Cambridge (no offense, but no.) So, she was telling me how the old principal didn't work out, explains to me how he was from across the bridge, PG county to be exact, and black. I don't know if she saw the steam coming out of my ears, but I was fuming. So, I figure out how to slip into conversation how I'm from across the bridge (actually, I was born in PG) and how proud I am of my 3 boys, lo and behold, all 3 of which are mixed. Yeah, hopefully she remembers next time to be mindful that she has no clue who she is talking to personally and keep her prejudice and stupidity to herself.

To think, someone with those feelings is teaching our children!

Monday, July 26, 2010

School shopping

Ok, so I'm not a newbie to school shopping. Bran did majority of his shopping down here by his choice. We'd hit whatever state we were vacationing in plus the outlets in DE. But honestly, it was never fun. Not with the pressure of having to buy from the right store with the right name in the right style, which of course, cost the wrong amount of money.

But now, there's Day. He could care less what store you bought something from, as long as it is his style. Do you know how easy that makes it? I can actually buy for him without him being there and he's happy! I can take him shopping and offer up suggestions that he actually cares about!

He's easier than shopping for JJ, who either wants Superheros or orange. Yeah, that does not go over really simple either.

So, school supplies are bought and waiting for him on his bed when he gets home from the gym. We have 4 new shirts so far, and we've got so much of the budget left. This makes it actually fun, especially for me, who was raised that bargain shopping is a sport/hobby!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Conversation with my Dad.....

My Dad his a "root" yesterday evening when we were on the phone. I won't say a nerve, b/c it is nothing like that at all. After our mindless chatter on the weather (sorry, it was ONLY 78 there, while at 7pm it was STILL a steaming 99 here!) we were talking about the kids, then John, who lately I have been a little short with (the same thing so many other women complain about when there are kids involved.)

And then my Dad compared John to my Pop, his father, 1 of the greatest men both of us knew. I don't talk about it much, but my Pop holds a very dear part in my heart. His love for my Grandmother was very above and beyond. My Dad was his "favorite" child, and in turn I ended up being his "favorite" grandchild. He was always so calm, so gentle, so engrossed in our lives. The time he lived with us in the house on the hill gave me memories I will cherish forever. Looking back now I see what an odd pair we made, a child with too much energy and a mouth that never stopped, a crippled man with more than enough of an ear to listen, who REALLY cared what I was saying. He wanted to know what I was coloring, what my Barbies were saying to each other, he taught me to play dominoes, and then checkers. He always had the time for me and Ir remember 1 time he got mad at my Grandmother for giving me my birthday gift without him around.

My Dad making the comparison was something I needed to get a little perspective back. John had given me the day to spend time with a friend, so I was already feeling a little better. I had said in passing yesterday morning about wanting a curved shower rod, he hit all the stores looking for just what I wanted without telling me what he was doing. As he said himself, when does he ever tell me "no."

Sometimes I don't see it, and yes, sometimes he won't be exactly what I am expecting, but he's better at this than I am it seems.

I've been very lucky in life to have been given certain people, I can only hope my boys grow into men like these.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday's Wisdom

Martin Luther King, JR - he had much more depth than his famous speech, please look him up!

- Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
- Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.
- History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
- I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live.
- Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.
- Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'

And my favorite part of his speech:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

That part of his speech hit me the other day, when a girl claimed walking into a building brought on the thoughts of "movies of the ghetto with Blacks and Mexicans in it." Good thing she'd never be invited to my home! I pity her children, what a homogeneous, boring life they will be led to have.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Calling public behavior

Thank goodness there are still some people not afraid to call others on their idiotic behavior in public! I love the man asking someone "Would you kiss your momma with that mouth." And the lady telling someone "there are kids around, this is a public place, watch your language."

Other than people like that, what gets me through the day is the fact that I get to go home and be happy, when they go home they are still miserable.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cool dude

Ok, completely staged photo so I can do my ABC's of summer double scrap page, of course, under "Sunglasses." But it's too cute not to share!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Embarassing? I think not!

I was looking at my stomach this morning and I was reminded of a conversation with a former coworker, also a c-section mommy. She was with a boyfriend at the time and telling a few of us of how she was embarrassed of her scar. I told her I never would be, but she said I felt that was because I was still with my child's father. But no, I am not embarrassed because to me it would be like being embarrassed of my child. My scar is a symbol that I am a mommy, that medicine allowed me to have a healthy baby, that a doctor saved my son's life. My scar is beautiful, always a reminder of the happiness I have been given. If any man felt it wasn't something to be proud of, that man could pound sand. I will never be made to feel anything but joy from my body, imperfections and all!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

It's done too!

Oh, so tickled with it! I finally have my "costume" earrings out of my nice jewelry armoire. I'm not sure what to do with my costume bracelets and necklaces, so for now they will keep their home with the good stuff.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Earrings contain much history.

I once read a story of a despondent little girl who had a teacher whose attention and caring changed her life. The teacher always wore dangle earrings, and when questioned why explained how it was something of beauty to her, a reminder from what she had come and made of herself.

Sailors once wore earrings to signify trips around the world, or surviving the sinking of a ship. Or in hopes that if they died in a shipwreck someone who found the body would take the earring in payment of their burial.

Some believe earrings came about simply as a way to draw attention to a person's face. Some cultures use it as a rite of passage.

For myself, they are something I can make with my own two hands, relish in the accomplishment that I made something pretty to enjoy for myself, or take pleasure in giving away to those I care for.

And I'm tired of those pretty dangles, most made, some bought, sitting in a drawer, out of sight, out of mind. Currently I'm fashioning my own hanger to display my creations, and once again, I do not have the patience with myself to have it complete.

So far tonight the frames are painted, just waiting for the mesh tomorrow, being brought over by my friend. For her contribution she will leave with her own display and a new pair of baubles to hang on it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow - 8 years!

The years have flown by! I love my hubby and all he has brought into my life!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Memory Lane Monday

Wow, 10 years ago we were planning for this trip. It's been WAY too long!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's done!

Can't wait to wear! Did wear my cut stone pendant today with lots of compliments! I can see why John doesn't like to buy me jewelry anymore when I wear so much of my own "creations."

Friday, July 9, 2010

I have no patience, even with myself....

I've been working on a crystal bracelet about every other day. I saw something on a coworker at a baby shower last year and finally decided to do it. But man, this is taking more time than I thought, and I'm not liking it. I've always done quick, easy things before, this is easy, but far from quick. I want to have it done SO bad just so I can wear it, which won't even be often.

I'm about 5 hours into it, I think more than 1/2 way done. So far I have a base of small clear crystals, some med teals, and some large greens. I want to add some pinks and purples, to the point I don't see much of the chain itself. I just don't have the patience to wait for myself to finish it!

Sad thing is, I'm already planning my next bracelet, something funky inspired (meaning I'm lifting the style) of my friend Mindy.

I just wish I'd hurry up and be done already!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday's Wisdom


-"Adventure is worthwhile."
-"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."
-"We would often be sorry if our wishes were gratified."
-"People often grudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well, my brain is gearing for Indpendence Day...

I have "I'm a Yankee Doddle Dandy" stuck in my head the last few days. What's worse is I got it from looking through a scrapbook magazine, something totally innocent, but deadly all the same. Hope it's out of my system after Monday, if I can stand it that long.

I have it so bad, I've been thinking how cute it would be for JJ to sing it.

Told you, deadly.