Sunday, July 25, 2010

Conversation with my Dad.....

My Dad his a "root" yesterday evening when we were on the phone. I won't say a nerve, b/c it is nothing like that at all. After our mindless chatter on the weather (sorry, it was ONLY 78 there, while at 7pm it was STILL a steaming 99 here!) we were talking about the kids, then John, who lately I have been a little short with (the same thing so many other women complain about when there are kids involved.)

And then my Dad compared John to my Pop, his father, 1 of the greatest men both of us knew. I don't talk about it much, but my Pop holds a very dear part in my heart. His love for my Grandmother was very above and beyond. My Dad was his "favorite" child, and in turn I ended up being his "favorite" grandchild. He was always so calm, so gentle, so engrossed in our lives. The time he lived with us in the house on the hill gave me memories I will cherish forever. Looking back now I see what an odd pair we made, a child with too much energy and a mouth that never stopped, a crippled man with more than enough of an ear to listen, who REALLY cared what I was saying. He wanted to know what I was coloring, what my Barbies were saying to each other, he taught me to play dominoes, and then checkers. He always had the time for me and Ir remember 1 time he got mad at my Grandmother for giving me my birthday gift without him around.

My Dad making the comparison was something I needed to get a little perspective back. John had given me the day to spend time with a friend, so I was already feeling a little better. I had said in passing yesterday morning about wanting a curved shower rod, he hit all the stores looking for just what I wanted without telling me what he was doing. As he said himself, when does he ever tell me "no."

Sometimes I don't see it, and yes, sometimes he won't be exactly what I am expecting, but he's better at this than I am it seems.

I've been very lucky in life to have been given certain people, I can only hope my boys grow into men like these.

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