Thursday, October 6, 2011


I feel guilty the days that I put on a sweatsuit to drop JJ off at school to walk him to his class. I see the moms with their pjs on and envy them. I have a thing for cutesy & funky pajamas, why can't I bring myself to wear them out? I know there has been a big stink about this in some schools, principals even banning parents from wearing them. My take, so what? The parents aren't there for a conference or to sit in the class! They aren't showing up looking like a Victoria Secret mannequin. The kids aren't wearing them, so they are seeing by example that situations require different attire. I just can't bring myself to do it. I will continue to get myself ready along with making sure 3 kids are ready to get out the door. But I still envy those moms ;)

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