Monday, November 28, 2011

A Letter to our son - JJ's 6th birthday

Dear JJ -
These letters get harder and harder to write! You are growing up too quickly, it isn't fair! You are such an awesome kid, so smart, stubborn, and sarcastic. Not much different than us, so we can't hold the "bad" stuff against you.
Your favorite things are still superheros, Spongebob, and Scooby-Doo. You also still like Bakugan, but your new favorite things are Legos and Kreo Transformers. If you can build it or put it together, you are in heaven, and you will shut yourself in your room for hours doing it yourself. It's kind of like how you were with puzzles when you were three, putting together, taking apart, but with these you will follow the directions the first time but after that you like to think of new things you can make, mixing and matching your kits.
Your favorite color is now pink, but you won't wear it, you say it is for girls. You don't have a best friend, but you have made a lot of new friends at school, which you say you hate school because it is boring. You are ahead and you pick up quickly, so that isn't surprising, but you are so good there! Your teacher has no complaints, not once! She said you are always calm and quiet, you stay on task, and you have more patience than her to help the other kids. You are really reading and spelling like a champ and when we sit down at night to read it is nice to have you sometimes read to us!
Nothing has changed, you are still a great kid and we are blessed to have you in our lives! We look forward to each moment with you, sharing in your life!
Can't wait to see what this year will bring!
Mom and Dad


Maria said...

Sweet post but you might want to check the spelling!

Kat's Credence said...

Thanks! Partly my dyslexia and the other part re-typing what JT erased after I printed the original.