Friday, December 28, 2012

Warm Holiday greetings, literally

   Just about last minute, we decided to play snow-birds for Christmas. Yes, while our local friends and family dealt with (albeit seasonal) weather for the holidays, we enjoyed the Florida climate once again this year. Gotta love short sleeves and shorts for Santa's visit!
   It was also a perfect decision because a couple other of my Northern cousins had the same idea, one of which I hadn't seen in over 5 years! We all met at my Aunt's house for Christmas, my first with that side of the family since I was 9! The next day we also utilized the time together for us "girls" to get together and go over old photographs that were my grandmothers, in prep for our family reunion in the coming year, while our husbands went out golfing, John's first time. Yes, I wish I could have been a fly on the golf cart then! But he enjoyed himself so much he is already looking for his own set of clubs.

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