Friday, September 27, 2013

J's first Easter

I have been getting a little giggle, and a lot of nostalgia, seeing a photo like this floating around on Pinterest lately. J was about 4 months old when I took this photo of him.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Heritage "prop"

We have held on to certain things just b/c J is a JR. We have daddy's old flight jacket from the Air Force since it has "their" name on it, daddy will never fit in it again. We also kept daddy's old baseball glove. Maybe it will make it to be passed down to another namesake. In the meantime, we have an adorable photo for all time! Some things have more heart value than monetary worth!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Took the step

I am blessed with a husband who backs me no matter what, and bought me a professional camera. I have been compiling a portfolio of photos, and I finally started the Facebook page. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kev's birthday photos

This young man couldn't be more photogenic or more laid back! Taking his birthday photos was a pleasure and I can't wait to take more photos of him and his family in the future!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It's not even officially Fall yet, and the leaves haven't even begun turning either, but our yard was full of leaves. John brought out his new toy, the leaf blower, and piled them up, currently on the way to the landfill with a trailer full. Of course in the meantime he gets on me for giving T the bright idea to play in them. Come on, there are just certain things kids HAVE to do growing up, the least of all is leaves (I have still to get them muddy from head to toe.)

Of course, knowing me,  I have to memorialize this for all time with a picture!
So, while it isn't officially Autumn, I will sit back and enjoy my warm beverage of choice, comfy in my hats, scarves, and boots, asking the kids what they will be for Halloween, and say "Happy Fall Y'all!"

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My Day

See this kid? He's mine, and I'm one proud momma! I cried at his graduation, freaked out during his wisdom teeth removal, steamed when he did something he knew he shouldn't, laughed over silly stuff, got hooked watching Walking Dead with, and boast over his accomplishments. He has turned into a responsible adult that I am proud to call my son, who I soak up watching be a big brother. In 6 short days it will mark the 4 year anniversary when he became part of our family, and I thank God for the luck in getting him, I will never forget that day! When he comes to visit I can't get enough of how loud my house gets with the laughing of my guys, and I miss the way it was before he flew from the nest. And you know what else, this fine young man is about to become a fine young Marine, leaving for boot camp in a few months. While I can't wait for him, and I look forward to attending one of his graduations once again, I also know that's it, he is an adult, holidays likely won't be the same, and the possibility of visits will be much more limited. He will have so many more milestones to accomplish that will take up his time and attention. So, from now on, I will just relish the time we will have together and wait to hear about his accomplishments!