Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It's not even officially Fall yet, and the leaves haven't even begun turning either, but our yard was full of leaves. John brought out his new toy, the leaf blower, and piled them up, currently on the way to the landfill with a trailer full. Of course in the meantime he gets on me for giving T the bright idea to play in them. Come on, there are just certain things kids HAVE to do growing up, the least of all is leaves (I have still to get them muddy from head to toe.)

Of course, knowing me,  I have to memorialize this for all time with a picture!
So, while it isn't officially Autumn, I will sit back and enjoy my warm beverage of choice, comfy in my hats, scarves, and boots, asking the kids what they will be for Halloween, and say "Happy Fall Y'all!"

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