Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The last thing to do.....

Tonight is the last thing to accomplish for our fostering, 1 more meeting with the Social Worker for the "family study." We didn't know it would take this long. I know, it wasn't long really, 6 months, but I guess anticipation makes it seem longer. We're really looking forward to things, the possibilities. I know some may think we're setting ourselves up for our hearts to be broken, and yes, we know with growing attached, sadness will happen, but it will be outweighed with what we will come away with. And like with any relationship in life, we can't let the fear of loss keep us from living and enjoying, we'd miss out on too much if we focused on that. So, after this last thing, just the wait until there is a child (or 2) to be placed with us! I do want to thank everyone for advice and moral support! It really does mean a lot to us to know that we're surrounded with great people!


Virginia said...

I just wanted to wish you guys luck.

Kat's Credence said...

HTANKS! The Social Worker couldn't figure out who you were from your letter, but she said after looking at my family tree she figured you fit on there somewhere(we had to submit 1 not only so they could get a feel for us, but also so we would know how to do one with kids. At least it was better than my anthropology professor who said we had to list 17 people in 3 generations, but he made me list EVERYONE, a spreadsheet 10 pages wide! I think he was just nosey.)