Friday, September 10, 2010

More than just 1....

When you're a foster parent you are not just taking 1 child into your family, but their family as well. Sometimes it is just the memories they bring with them, but if you're really lucky their family members are actual parts of your lives too.

Last night Day's older sister came over. She wanted to come over last Thursday night but the house was a mess and I was busy packing for our trip to meet John in NC. I felt bad, but there was no way I could deal with anything else.

Her boyfriend brought her over last night and took Day to the side, saying he was going to propose right after they left. I thought that was amazing, he wanted to let Day, basically the man of the family, know his intentions. How many other guys would do that in this era? He seems such a great guy, a gentle giant is an appropriate term, very polite and quiet.

Not 30 minutes later they come driving back because Day's sister is so excited and wants to show off her ring. It was such a blessing to be included in such a joyous occasion! I wish them the best and I'm thankful to be included in their happiness, hoping they continue to have so much more!

We got into this with the intention of adding happiness in lives that deserve it so much more than anyone else. You don't think of the little things that will add so much happiness to your own!

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