While my mom told me not to talk to strangers, she didn't know one. Anywhere I went with my mom she would start a conversation with anyone over anything. Maybe it was from being from a large family who talks, A LOT. In reality, people were just drawn to her, and while I am biased, it was with reason. She always had a ready smile, soft voice, great advice, and kind words. When I was younger, yes, it did embarrass me. But honestly, it left an impression on me, because, yes, I do it too. JJ is constantly asking if that person or this person is my friend. People approach me, or I approach them. It could be about the weather, my kids, how to make something, or trying to help, but there is always an opportunity. (You should have seen the day I was helping a cashier with a non-english speaking family. JJ telling me I was a real-life Dora gave me a good fit of laughter.)
But, recently, I noticed some people don't understand it. Not all, most people still do want to talk, but it still saddens me that so many are stuck in their own little world. Gone are the days when we knew everyone at the corner store or our neighbors. We no longer know the names of our local police officers protecting us (ok, I do, but it's different in our case.) Many parents don't have a personal relationship with their kids schools. People are pushing loneliness way too quickly by putting on their own blinders.
We are becoming a society so centered on going to work, going to the store, and getting home, that we miss out on so much. Last week I would have missed out on the older gentleman telling me about driving a school bus for years. Today I would have missed the grocery clerk in another line offering to box with my 6 year old, who in turn told him he would come back for him tomorrow. And sometimes, I just need a smile, just as much as someone might need one from me. I was raised if you make eye contact, you smile.
I am sorry if some people might feel it an intrusion on their personal time. But it's worth that 1 in 10 who might feel that way for the other 9 people who don't. Especially because once in awhile there is someone I talk to who needs that extra smile because they don't have it at home, and yes, from experience, I do know that happens much more than many of us realize.
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