Saturday, April 14, 2012

We are unique, not unusual!

I have comments made about my "unusual" family. I bristle a little at that term, even though technically I know we aren't the "usual" family (as much as I wish there were more families like our own.) But the word sounds negative to me, even though my friend Jen did point out last week that I am not exactly usual myself, which I will readily own up to. I don't buck conformity for shock value, I do care what my loved ones think, just not enough to change who I am and what I hope to accomplish in this life. I am who I am and thankfully I was blessed to be surrounded by people who accept and embrace that.

But don't think that the looks I get from strangers doesn't bother me. It's not because I care for myself what goes through their heads, it's because I know what it means my children will go through. I wish people would just ask, the same as I have heard people say who have had an accident and are wheelchair bound. Don't look away, and don't stare, and don't make assumptions! I was so relieved yesterday when the lady processing our passports asked, there is nothing wrong with any way God has given me any of my kids!

Last Saturday out shopping really grated. I'm chalking it up to preparations for Easter holiday had moods a little sour, because today was completely different, and made up for it. So many people were all smiles, commenting on my cute kids (and they all are pretty darn adorable.) A cashier told me how we made her day, and I hope she knows how she made mine.

I can only hope my kids can ignore the bad and focus on the good. It's a hard thing for any of us to do, but I do know that my kids will take away so much from growing up within our home, and there is so much I will gain from being blessed to be their mom. There is nothing that anyone out there could do that would change that!

"If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart."

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