Saturday, December 19, 2009
How something sticks with you....
On St Nicholas Day we watched a movie called St Nick & Pete, which I plan on getting so we can watch every year. At the end, James Earl Jones (who I think is 1 of the greatest actors) tells his "grandson" of an African saying that as long as someone speaks your name you never truly die. Being me, of course I cried, I cry at everything it seems, especially this time of year. But for the past 2 weeks that has stuck with me and I will repeat names for as long as I live, and the best I can hope for, is that I am the type of person that after I am gone, my name will still be on the lips of those who surround me!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Smart little man....
JJ has been whining to open the presents under the tree. Don't know how my mom managed to put up with my constant badgering every year! So, my new mantra has been "Well, I want a million dollars and I don't always get what I want." Sometimes I'll even tell him that if he gets me my million I'll give him what he wants. I didn't even add on that last part tonight and he still went in his monopoly game and came running up to me with the play money telling me there was my million dollars.
Makes me wonder sometimes.... we always joke that in our family you have to learn to be a smart-aleck to put up with everyone else. Wonder if its just in the genes.
Makes me wonder sometimes.... we always joke that in our family you have to learn to be a smart-aleck to put up with everyone else. Wonder if its just in the genes.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
To have nothing and only think of giving.....
Near where I work is a Wendy's. Sometimes when I go there for lunch there is a gentleman that sits on the side of the back road with a sign "Homeless Vet, Help." It breaks my heart that I can't "save" him but I get him lunch each time I see him sitting there. 1 day this week I happened to have a blanket in the van. I offered it to him after giving him his meal, his answer was he was pretty set that way but he knew someone else who he could give it to who could use it. I told him that would be great and to take care of himself. I was driving back to work, stuffing my face, with tears rolling down. Here's a man who has so little, thankful for what he is given, and still thinking of what HE can do to help others.
Why can't those who are blessed with so much more have half of his selfless nature?
Why can't those who are blessed with so much more have half of his selfless nature?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Day 7 - A Week of Thanks (late) and THANKSGIVING
I missed last night's 7th day of Thanks due to "fixing" the computer. So, on that note, I give thanks for the computer & the Internet. With having such a large family spread all over the globe, and friends stretching out just the same, being able to stay in contact and involved in each others lives so easily, often, and cheaply is a blessing!
My original thanks was going to be my gratefulness for those that touched my life but have left. My grandparents (especially both of my Pop-Pops), uncle and aunts (especially my "2nd" dad Uncle Thomas) and of course my mom. To have had them, even if the time was too short, in and of itself is a blessing. They could never be replaced, and the time spent with them, the memories made, will never be forgotten.
I used to love romantic movies, 1 of my old favorites was Hope Floats. There's an old saying, most would not think too significant, but it sticks with me in regards to the love of family and friends MY CUP RUNUTH OVER.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
My original thanks was going to be my gratefulness for those that touched my life but have left. My grandparents (especially both of my Pop-Pops), uncle and aunts (especially my "2nd" dad Uncle Thomas) and of course my mom. To have had them, even if the time was too short, in and of itself is a blessing. They could never be replaced, and the time spent with them, the memories made, will never be forgotten.
I used to love romantic movies, 1 of my old favorites was Hope Floats. There's an old saying, most would not think too significant, but it sticks with me in regards to the love of family and friends MY CUP RUNUTH OVER.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 6 - A Week of Thanks
I'm thankful to a home and food on the table. How many others have received the email that says if you have a job, a home, and food, you are better off than 90% or more of the world's population. It may not be up to everyone's standards, but its ours. The only thing I'd like to change is add on a bunch more rooms so we could add on a bunch more to the family!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 5 - A Week of Thanks (again, on time!)
I'm thankful for my job! I know how precious that is in this economy! What makes it better is that I enjoy what I do and I adore the people I work with, and work for! It keeps me sane and allows me to put food on the table. I do NOT take that for granted!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Day 4 - A Week of Thanks (today!)
I'm thankful for my friends. I can't believe the great group of women that have surrounded me in the past couple of years, mostly new (treasured) friends and a couple "old" (priceless) friends who popped back into my life, as well as the steadfast mainstays who have stuck by me forever! I don't know what I would've done without you all in so many situations! When my mom passed, my Dad moved, I went back to work, needed to complain about John or others, when I needed questions answered on mothering, or just someone to talk to about nothing. You've all managed to lift my spirits when amazingly there would've been no way for you to even know they needed lifting. You all brought me out of my shell one way or another. I was always the type of person who trusted few, kept only a few people close. I never knew how wonderful it is to have so many people there for me, and how great it is to know you want me to be there for you!
Day 3 - A Week of Thanks 11/21/09
I can't seem to catch up, so guess there will end up being 2 posts today!
So, for Saturday, I'm thankful for my family! The Duggars can try to compete all they want, the Johnson family is bigger (yeah, I know, not by much.) And the Hayghe side is of course full of love and strength as well! I'm so lucky to have been born into such a wealth of love. I've had people say how they had no family to spend the holidays with, which makes me realize the importance of the I have the over-flow I have been blessed with, which I am greatly thankful for! Personalities may not always mesh, hey, it happens with people who are pretty much alike, but we all come back together! Family was stressed to me growing up, NOW I know why, they are the ones going to be there for you. Look how many people who have my back ;)
So, for Saturday, I'm thankful for my family! The Duggars can try to compete all they want, the Johnson family is bigger (yeah, I know, not by much.) And the Hayghe side is of course full of love and strength as well! I'm so lucky to have been born into such a wealth of love. I've had people say how they had no family to spend the holidays with, which makes me realize the importance of the I have the over-flow I have been blessed with, which I am greatly thankful for! Personalities may not always mesh, hey, it happens with people who are pretty much alike, but we all come back together! Family was stressed to me growing up, NOW I know why, they are the ones going to be there for you. Look how many people who have my back ;)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 2 A Week of Thanks 11/20/09
I'm so immensely thankful for my boys! They bring so much joy into my life, even when I want to pull my hair out! There's nothing closer to God than the innocence of a child! If I could, I'd repeat my grandparents and add 18 more! Wish our house was as big as the room in our hearts (hey Steve, wanna add on for us?) I'm never more content than when the house in noisy and in an uproar. Will there ever be a time when I want the house to be quiet? What would I do with myself then? It would have to be incredibly boring to have them gone all the time!
And John, JJ looks more like me, so there ;)
And John, JJ looks more like me, so there ;)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Day 1 - A Weekof Thanks
I'm thankful for my hubby. John puts up with 1 stubborn woman without being a push-over b/c Heaven knows I don't want a wimp! He indulges in just about all of my requests and hobbies and once in awhile is so sweet to surprise me with something I forgot I even asked for. I know I'm lucky to have someone who doesn't just give me a peck hello or goodbye, but actually wraps me in a bear hug. And you know, I think something wrong if I walk by him and he manages not to grab me in 1 way, shape, or form. I know I'm not always a ton of laughs to deal with and I'm quite vocal when I feel he isn't either, but he's managed to stick by me for more than 10 years now, I'll start writing up the award now ;) Love ya!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
OMG I SOOO needed a laugh
Many of you already saw my facebook post on being sick of other people lying and hurting those I care about. I fully believe if they spent that same energy on themselves they would find their own happiness and not feel the need to drag others down to their dysfunction. Trying to steal my family's happiness does not give them their own! I will not allow people to try to thwart my efforts to give my family all sense of happiness, safety, and contentedness possible!
And to a point, that means I have to take away their control over me too, I have to set the example and not let them get to me. So, to prove I can still find humor in life no matter what's thrown my way, and to find the pure joy in life by sharing the laughs with my boys, I am officially sticking my tongue out at those idiots.
So, there!
And to a point, that means I have to take away their control over me too, I have to set the example and not let them get to me. So, to prove I can still find humor in life no matter what's thrown my way, and to find the pure joy in life by sharing the laughs with my boys, I am officially sticking my tongue out at those idiots.
So, there!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Abcence DOES make the heart grow fonder...
I wasn't raised with my siblings, so I got used to time to myself and able to stretch out in the bed. I think that's why I married a cop, I knew there would be periods of time to myself due to swing and night shifts (ok, ok, yeah, the uniform had a lot to do with things too.) When John came back to DJS I jokingly told him we'd have to go to marriage counseling once he was home all the time. Of course that didn't happen, but lately he's been in supervisor training across the bridge so I've had the bed to myself (well, as much as possible with JJ sneaking into it) and I love it, but then I also think I appreciate him more once he does come home. I also feel pretty special when he then doesn't go into work so he can spend some time with me.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Forgot, a 2nd "awww" moment on the same day
On Thursday we went to pic "Day" up from school, normally John does this. I was waiting in the pick-up/drop-off spot, about to text "Day" to let him know I was there. JJ suddenly says "There's my brother "Day." I'm so blessed to have so much love surround me and to be given so many opportunities to share that love!
Friday, October 30, 2009
1 of those "awwww" moments
I was home yesterday with JJ who was sick. I felt so bad for him, really babied him (which I'm paying for now, he doesn't want to occupy himself at all after having mommy's undivided attention.) After dropping "Day" off at school we were getting out of the truck and walking to the front door. His arms were around my arms, his head resting on my shoulder when he told me "Mommy, you're getting smaller." I reluctantly had to tell him, that no, it was in fact he who was getting bigger (much to mommy's dismay.)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
From Hope
My cousin Hope sent me this, at a much needed time after a crazily, hectic day, husband out of town for training, change in schedule out of the blue, and a kid with a fever.
I Believe...
That just because two people argue,
doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if
we understand that friends change.
I Believe...
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.
I Believe...
That you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
I Believe...
That it's taking me a long time
to become the person I want to be.
I Believe...
That you should always leave loved ones with
loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I Believe...
That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
I Believe...
That we are responsible for what
we do, no matter how we feel.
I Believe....
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I Believe...
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I Believe...
That money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I Believe..
That my best friend and I can do anything, or nothing, and have the best time.
I Believe...
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you When you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.
I Believe...
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them.....and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I Believe...
That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I Believe...
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I Believe...
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
but we are responsible for who we become.
I Believe...
That you shouldn't be so eager to find
out a secret. It could change your life Forever.
I Believe...
Two people can look at the exact same
thing and see something totally different.
I Believe...
That your life can be changed in a matter of
hours by people who don't even know you.
I Believe...
That even when you think you have no more to give, if
a friend cries out to will find the strength to help.
I Believe...
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe...
That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
I Believe...
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of everything.
Thank you God for all the wonderful people who help us
throughout this journey called Life..
May angels guard you and guide you &
May God continue to bless you and keep you...
I Believe...
That just because two people argue,
doesn't mean they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue,
doesn't mean they do love each other.
I Believe...
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
I Believe...
That we don't have to change friends if
we understand that friends change.
I Believe...
That no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
I Believe...
That true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.
I Believe...
That you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
I Believe...
That it's taking me a long time
to become the person I want to be.
I Believe...
That you should always leave loved ones with
loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
I Believe...
That you can keep going long after you think you can't.
I Believe...
That we are responsible for what
we do, no matter how we feel.
I Believe....
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.
I Believe...
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
I Believe...
That money is a lousy way of keeping score.
I Believe..
That my best friend and I can do anything, or nothing, and have the best time.
I Believe...
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you When you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.
I Believe...
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had, and what you've learned from them.....and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
I Believe...
That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes, you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I Believe...
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I Believe...
That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
but we are responsible for who we become.
I Believe...
That you shouldn't be so eager to find
out a secret. It could change your life Forever.
I Believe...
Two people can look at the exact same
thing and see something totally different.
I Believe...
That your life can be changed in a matter of
hours by people who don't even know you.
I Believe...
That even when you think you have no more to give, if
a friend cries out to will find the strength to help.
I Believe...
That credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
I Believe...
That the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
I Believe...
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;
They just make the most of everything.
Thank you God for all the wonderful people who help us
throughout this journey called Life..
May angels guard you and guide you &
May God continue to bless you and keep you...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I guess yesterday morning my eyes were quite open and awake because I just couldn't believe all the gorgeous colors of leaves that seemed to have popped up over-night. Then looking out the door at work there's 2 gorgeous maples trees that have brilliant yellows and oranges displayed. I do love fall for the same reason of spring, the beautiful colors and the anticipation of what's to come. Now, the holidays and time with family is what I look forward to from Fall, after that, I can do without winter!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm dreaming of a .....
...sandy Christmas.
Oh, ok, it doesn't quite have the same ring, but you all can keep your white Christmas with cold weather. I don't want to see my breath or wear coats, mittens, and scarves! I want to wear shorts and flip-flops and decorate a palm tree! I want to celebrate the holidays with Mickey Mouse!
And I'm so tickled, my leave request has already been approved! South bound in 2 short months!
Oh, ok, it doesn't quite have the same ring, but you all can keep your white Christmas with cold weather. I don't want to see my breath or wear coats, mittens, and scarves! I want to wear shorts and flip-flops and decorate a palm tree! I want to celebrate the holidays with Mickey Mouse!
And I'm so tickled, my leave request has already been approved! South bound in 2 short months!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Holiday birthdays make it hard....
I'm having the hardest time figuring out how to work JJ's birthday party this year. His birthday falls 2 days after Thanksgiving. Meaning people will be (rightly) focused on traveling and/or shopping. Of course while thinking about this I've also got to think about Christmas plus hopefully going to Florida. Yeah, yeah, I know, if this is what I have to "complain" about, life's pretty good huh.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When the smoke clears you're left with weird dreams
Not many people know, but I've quit smoking again. I was going to stop when I got pneumonia last month (timing it with my cycle to hopefully make it more successful.)I had to delay going back on my meds until a couple weeks ago and I had my last cigarette Saturday evening. This time I will stay on the meds longer as my CRNP has suggested.
I'm feeling pretty good so far, I know my body is going through withdrawls because of momentary dizziness or an antsy feeling, but the cravings aren't there.
What is there are some out of the park dreams. The "best" one yet included me, Vanilla Ice and Bret Michaels.
I'm feeling pretty good so far, I know my body is going through withdrawls because of momentary dizziness or an antsy feeling, but the cravings aren't there.
What is there are some out of the park dreams. The "best" one yet included me, Vanilla Ice and Bret Michaels.
Monday, October 5, 2009
A surprise
While I was fixing dinner tonight John told me he got me a present today. I tried to get him to spill but he wouldn't, so of course that was just torture. He kept me guessing for about 2 hours when he finally told me to go out in the truck to get a music folder and my surprise. My hubby bought me (home-canned) pickled beets. Oh, yummy! Nothing can make this girl any happier (ok, so yeah, a cruise, diamond ring, or cape cod would, but you get the point.) When i was little, as my mom would say, I'd sit on them and eat them all up (which I use to joke that if I sat on them clearly I couldn't eat them.) But now, I savor these and stretch them out to last me a long time. The memories they bring back of my mom pickling and canning in the kitchen! I still have some of her mason jars.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Would he hold you're purse?
A mommy-friend shared this on our board, something so relevant for this month of Breast Cancer Awareness. It made me think of a side I never had to, I only went to one of my mom's radiation treatments those many years ago when she battled breast cancer the first time, and yes, that time I had her purse. But I never thought of my Dad through all of those treatments, nor the chemo treatments and oncology appointments the few short years later when she battled it the second time. No other time, not at a wedding, funeral, reunion, or shopping did I ever see my Dad hold my mom's purse, but I can clearly see him in the sterile waiting room doing just so. Heaven forbid I myself shall face what I saw my mom go through, I at least know that I have already prepared John in purse-holding many times while shopping. If only there was a way to prepare in other ways.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Well I should be all even-keeled
I recently read a different articles all saying different things about hobbies. They help relieve stress, help boost mood, help brain function, etc. Well, I'll admit that I enjoy my scrapping, paintings, jewelry making, etc, but from all those magazine articles I should be the happiest, bubbliest person around. Yeah, you all know that isn't the case.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Was blessed to witness a miracle today!
On the way to DC, before the 495 exit, I saw the cars in front of me slam on their brakes, a cloud of black smoke, and a motorcycle flip over the road onto the guardrail, then a guy running off the left lane. My friend Jen and I just about freak out. Thankfully I was in a gap of cars and was able to pull over to make sure he was ok and sit with him til EMS came. We aren't fully sure what caused the guy to wipe out, but he was blessed with a guardian angel today because not only was he in 1 piece after losing control going 70+ miles a hour, he had the sense to get up and run off the road, which I'm not sure I would've had the brains to do after that! His collarbone was hurting him, so we didn't check for any other injuries, but his jacket had some scratches, not even 1 hole went all the way through the jacket or his pants (I want to get John 1 of those jackets now!). I suspect he'll still have some road rash under it all, but he was blessed! He was even joking with me that at least today was going to be memorable for him. I'm still not over seeing it happen, I suspect that's going to stick with me for awhile. At the moment the only thing I could think was I was watching someone die, then to see him ok, the relief, had us holding back tears. The shaking took awhile to get over. There's miracles all around!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
He can get on my nerves sometimes....
But all in all John's a pretty nice guy. Last night while on his way home he saw an over-turned tractor trailer on the opposite side of the road so he turned around. He and two other guys tried to break the windows because the guy was trapped, but he was complaining of his back hurting so they couldn't get him out anyway (John's a certified CPR instructor so he's pretty good in those situations.) So, John stayed with the guy until the police and EMS people arrived. Not many people would stop, figuring there's nothing they can do, but human contact is the best thing you can offer!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I got a 'tatificate
JJ was so proud of himself yesterday, he got an award for going on the potty in daycare. He had to show us all his 'tatificate (certificate) with his name on it. I still can't bring myself to take a picture of him going like others have done, but I'm one proud momma just the same!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
side effects....
Found on my med write up "Side effects that may go away with usage - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.... contact your doctor if they become bothersome"
When I'm praying to the porcelain three times after my first pill, with my 3 year old laughing behind me, I don't need anymore to know that I'm not going to wait to see if it goes away in my 10 day course of treatment, I can tell you now that WAS bothersome.
When I'm praying to the porcelain three times after my first pill, with my 3 year old laughing behind me, I don't need anymore to know that I'm not going to wait to see if it goes away in my 10 day course of treatment, I can tell you now that WAS bothersome.
Friday, September 11, 2009
A quick remedy
I finally saw the doc today and I have pnuemonia. Never before have I had any problems like this, but it explains away what's been going on. I am sad to miss my cousin's surprise party tomorrow, time with my family is very precious to me! But, I'm scared to end up in the hospital so I need to rest up! So, after getting my meds filled I call my dad, which is the best cure all for feeling sick, a parent's love!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The sickies
Last Friday I got hit by a Mack truck carrying allergies or cold viruses or a combination of the two. I've been back and forth feeling better and miserable since then. I realized today that its not a good sign when the person next to me can hear me wheeze when I take a breath in. Also isn't a good thing when you are walking out the door at closing time and 1 of the docs asks if you are ok. Probably time to get checked out.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I can move the moon
Years ago I read an "inspirational" story on a mommy taught to make the moon jump by her son. I was reminded about it this week when JJ taught me that I can make the moon run "really fast." All I had to do was move my head back and forth! How come we realize our power as children, that we can move the moon, but we lose our self-confidence into adulthood? I hope JJ always realizes he can move the moon, and so much more!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Polite & rude all at he same time.....
JJ was doing something I had told him he couldn't, so I asked him what I said about that:
"Mommy, stop talking"
"JJ, that's mean!"
"Mommy, will you PLEASE stop talking?"
"Mommy, stop talking"
"JJ, that's mean!"
"Mommy, will you PLEASE stop talking?"
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A sign I'm stuck with him.....
Before John and I were married my mom and I were working in the yard. I took my engagement ring off and put it on the bumper of the truck. Sometime later John drove away, it wasn't until later that my mom and I realized what I had done with my ring. We spent a good hour combing the yard and road figuring it would've fallen off. When I didn't find it I was of course upset and worried. That is until John drove back up and would you believe the ring was still sitting on the bumper of the truck.
Fast track about 8 years to today. During lunch I walk into McDonald's, order my food, and realize oh no, I don't have my engagement or wedding ring on. I'm flipping out. Maybe it fell in my purse when I put my keys in there, nope. Not on the floor in the restaurant either. But wouldn't you know, it was lying right outside the door! Guess my key ring pulled it off. The wedding ring was twisted and missing a diamond, which I somehow managed to find, and the diamond on the engagement ring is a little pushed to the side. Guessing it was run over.
I was a little disturbed to think of spending the money to have it fixed, but then thought about how its better than having to have it replaced, and at least I wasn't wearing it when it met the tire of the vehicle in its path!
But, considering the odd luck I've had with these rings, guess its a sign I won't be getting out of anything. Not that I even want to, even though John did tell me I was just trying to get new rings out of him ;) So, for now, since my hand felt so naked this afternoon without my rings, I'll be wearing my mom's engagement ring and original wedding band.
Fast track about 8 years to today. During lunch I walk into McDonald's, order my food, and realize oh no, I don't have my engagement or wedding ring on. I'm flipping out. Maybe it fell in my purse when I put my keys in there, nope. Not on the floor in the restaurant either. But wouldn't you know, it was lying right outside the door! Guess my key ring pulled it off. The wedding ring was twisted and missing a diamond, which I somehow managed to find, and the diamond on the engagement ring is a little pushed to the side. Guessing it was run over.
I was a little disturbed to think of spending the money to have it fixed, but then thought about how its better than having to have it replaced, and at least I wasn't wearing it when it met the tire of the vehicle in its path!
But, considering the odd luck I've had with these rings, guess its a sign I won't be getting out of anything. Not that I even want to, even though John did tell me I was just trying to get new rings out of him ;) So, for now, since my hand felt so naked this afternoon without my rings, I'll be wearing my mom's engagement ring and original wedding band.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
What? Already?
I cannot believe today is September 1st! What in the world happened with summer? The past 8 months for that matter? I know they say when you get older time goes quicker, guess I should've listened closer. Seems the weather wanted us to know the time as well, but I won't complain, the A/C is off and the windows are open, and who can't appreciate the sleep you get with cool, fresh air!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What is it that having a houesful of kids this weekend has me more excited than if I were pregnant?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
What makes thunder & lightening?
Yesterday morning we had a bad thunderstorm roll through our area. With a flash of lightening and boom of thunder JJ tells me "Storm did that." Yes, JJ, a storm sometimes does that. I know Mommy, Storm from the Xmen did it. My kid doesn't have the cutesy answer that its angels bowling, nah, its all about the superheros.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
End of summer....
What marks the end of summer better than school starting? Bran went back today and when he comes back again he'll have already started his sophomore year. Only 3 more years to go, 3 short years to enjoy weekends, holidays, and 1/2 the summer. Of course not nearly enough time. Is it ever enough? I always hate the last summer visit, we enjoy the long summer time together. And its catching, today JJ asked where Bran was, I told him in PA, he said he didn't want him there, he wanted him here in Maryland. Yeah, we all of course do. Least we have the long holidays to look forward to!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
4 months to go
I'm late, as usual, but I ordered my 1st Xmas present tonight. I feel so behind from where I used to be, made worse by the fact that I also have JJ's birthday just 4 weeks before Xmas to think about as well. But, at least its sorta productive, got something done. Now, off to look at Halloween costumes online.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Shooting stars
I have a thing with stars, from many different starting points, but they are 1 of my obsessions, just like ladybugs. I have 3 stars on my foot representing Bran, JJ, and the baby I lost. I call my closest friends my stars because of the quote on a true friend being like stars, even when you cannot see them they are still there. People tell their kids all the time they love them to the moon and back, I tell JJ I love him to the stars and back (its farther.)
But, tonight, thanks to our annual meteor shower, I will sit outside, and watch the shooting stars, just like I did each year growing up with my Dad, just like I know he will be doing all those many miles away in FL. Who knows, maybe we will wish on the same one!
But, tonight, thanks to our annual meteor shower, I will sit outside, and watch the shooting stars, just like I did each year growing up with my Dad, just like I know he will be doing all those many miles away in FL. Who knows, maybe we will wish on the same one!
Monday, August 10, 2009
The boys
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Scooby-Doo is not going out of style anytime soon, as proof there's a new show coming out this year! He's 40 this year, and still going strong, as evident in our own house! We took a trip out to the Shorebirds last night just because Scooby was there, JJ talked about it the whole game (and of course about Sherman.) It brings back the memories of Brandon at Kings Dominion and Universal Studios getting his pic with Scooby!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My son talks like Yoda
I'm not a big Star Wars fan, but that, along with Indiana Jones, were the only movies I was allowed to stay up late to watch with my Dad growing up, so they do hold a little bit of nostalgia for me. But, if you've watched any of them, you know the curious speech pattern of Yoda. Such things as "Named must your fear be before banish it you can" and “Not if anything to say about it I have” are prime examples of his word play. Now, JJ has only watched The Clone Wars cartoons, but it makes me wonder if he's picked up a little on it when he asks "Almost we are home?" Is it possible to be a word dyslexic?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Told you I was a super-hero
When I was little I used to love running & sliding down the hall, in my under-roos with the tell-tale blue star bottom and red top. Now, its finally a dream come true for me, JJ has decided I am now Wonder Woman to his Batman. Well, I always thought she and Superman were the more likely crime-fighting duo, but I guess a hero has to take what they can get!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Uh, my photo disappeared ;(
Can you figure out what we're doing tomorrow? Just hope the possible Baltimore storms don't happen while we're in the nose-bleed bleachers rooting for the eternal underdogs! Go Orange & Black!
Can you figure out what we're doing tomorrow? Just hope the possible Baltimore storms don't happen while we're in the nose-bleed bleachers rooting for the eternal underdogs! Go Orange & Black!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I need....
...a book. Simple request, you think I can handle myeslf right, but that takes time to sit and look through to pick one out. Oh, well.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
To live near the coast...
I can't imagine living anywhere too far from the water that we couldn't just pick up and drive to the beach for the day, or like this weekend, both days. I can't imagine not laughing at myself b/c parts of my body resemble a steamed blue crab, for that matter, I can't think of the possibility of not getting those same blue crabs whenever I want! And it would be horrible to think of all the photo opportunities, candid and planned, that would be missed! Having my son jump a wave, say "this is fun" then jump another and say "this is REALLY fun" is too priceless. And holding Pey-Pey's hand while she jumps the waves is also a memory I will keep, the trust for "Ms Kat" in wanting to share her joy with me is too lovely. I had a great weekend the past 2 days and can't wait for more!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Man, what was this conversation about?
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Down in the Valley
Please no one snicker, but I LOVE Dan Zane, I miss seeing the videos daily from when I was home with JJ. This is my all time favorite:
Sunday, July 19, 2009
From the mouth's of babes
On the way back from Myrtle Beach we picked up "Lola" and JJ was telling her how his legs got darker, his arms, his nose, his chin, his eyes, and his hair. John asked him abut his butt, and he said yeah, my butt and my penis got darker. "Lola" about had a heart attack, asking where he learned "that" word. We were busting out laughing, but we did manage to say how it isn't a dirty word and in our house we use the correct termonology for body parts.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Need a vacation from our vacations
We got back from a family trip to South Carolina a few days ago, and I am still recovering! I was SO tired the last day there, all I could think about was getting in the van for the ride home so I could take a nap! But we all had a blast and we are looking forward to this next year! Hopefully we can turn this in to an annual tradition! There will be more pics to come once I can sit down to edit them all!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Gone but never forgotten...
My dear Uncle, your presence will always be missed, you are forever loved!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Challenge digi page
As many times as I accidently called her "mom" is there any question why JJ will tell you flat out, she is not his Aunt Ellen, she is "Mom-Mom." He knows the difference, when he sees pictures of my mom, she is "Maw-Maw." I'm just glad he has her for a grandmother figure in his life!
(this digital scrap page was done for a challenge you can find in the "Blogs I Follow" section under "design by diana."
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
I'm claiming this kid...

John always gives me an eye roll when I say JJ looks like me. Honestly, I always said everyone saw what they wanted, who they wanted to see. It was the same way with me growing up, I was such a mix of my parents it could've gone either way (though there's not much doubt anymore, I look like my mom, just darker like my Dad.)
But, by chance I came across this picture earlier this week, and JJ's just about a carbon copy of me.
We always did say that Johnson bone structure was dominate, there's no denying it anymore!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
If this is the worst thing that happens......
This is easy enough to forget, we take a lot for granted until something puts it all in perspective for you, but the next time someone cuts your off in traffic, your have to rearrange your schedule for something, you burn dinner, you get coffee on your shirt 1st thing in the morning, or whatever seems to set our days off wrong, remember, "if this is the worst thing that happens today, I'm doing pretty good."
Then, when the big things happen, you can really have the emotional allotment to grieve, otherwise, be thankful and appreciate how special the lives are that we have been given! And really, when those big things do happen, take an inventory of those around you, and still find that piece of gratefulness to get you through.
Oh, and by the way, thanks everyone for being the good things that happen!
Then, when the big things happen, you can really have the emotional allotment to grieve, otherwise, be thankful and appreciate how special the lives are that we have been given! And really, when those big things do happen, take an inventory of those around you, and still find that piece of gratefulness to get you through.
Oh, and by the way, thanks everyone for being the good things that happen!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The world is full of users
Since my life was heavily influenced by song, it comes as no surprise that periods of my life, even books I read, are stored away in my head with their own "soundtrack."
I think right about now, if I'm unfortunate enough to remember the most recent events, this is what will accompany the memories since I can't seem to get it out of my head.
Oh, well, at least I'm also giggling to myself. Got to get a laugh off it all, can't let them drive me crazy!
I think right about now, if I'm unfortunate enough to remember the most recent events, this is what will accompany the memories since I can't seem to get it out of my head.
Oh, well, at least I'm also giggling to myself. Got to get a laugh off it all, can't let them drive me crazy!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Surrounded by beautiful!
I just wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes, cards and presents! You all have added such indescribable beauty to my life!
Mu cup runeth over!
Mu cup runeth over!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The emotions are already hitting me...
As most of you know, its almost 2 years ago that I lost my mom. Last year was hard and this year the emotions have already started. I'm hearing this song A LOT lately and I feel its a sign, the lyrics alone, but also Alan Jackson was 1 of her all time favorite artists. It's bringing me comfort, the same time it's bringing me tears.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Let's go bug hunting
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I did it!!!
More than 10" going to Locks of Love and another for styling! No more headaches from heavy ponytails (at least for awhile, lol.) All my Dad could say was "why would you go and cut all that pretty hair." So some pretty little girl going bald, for whatever reason, can feel a little better about herself!
(Don't mind that its a bad pic of me!)
Friday, June 5, 2009
Y is for YOU
Someone switched kids on me
Gone is the little imp who would hang on to my leg or insist I carry him, ever so quietly in any public place. He was replaced without my realizing it with the banshee who runs screaming down the aisle, asking over and over "what's this" or "mommy look at this." Gone is the child who would hide his face in whichever body part of mine that was closest if anyone talked to him that he didn't know very well. I was left with a child who instead asks what the person's name is that is talking to him, or starts an impromptu game of peek-a-boo in a fit of laughter. I miss the little boy who is gone, can you bring him back? But wait, no, you can't take this little boy back, I want to keep them both.
And you know, come to think of it, this isn't the first time this has happened! Suddenly now we have a young man in our midst yet just the the day there was this little boy who wanted to play wrestlers or a Scooby-Doo game with me. The same little boy who would fit in the play area tunnels with me for a game of hide-n-seek would now be bumping his head. Gone is the little boy who would sit to be read to, replaced instead with a teenager who will be driving next year, graduating in three.
See what happens when you blink, its a dangerous thing.
And you know, come to think of it, this isn't the first time this has happened! Suddenly now we have a young man in our midst yet just the the day there was this little boy who wanted to play wrestlers or a Scooby-Doo game with me. The same little boy who would fit in the play area tunnels with me for a game of hide-n-seek would now be bumping his head. Gone is the little boy who would sit to be read to, replaced instead with a teenager who will be driving next year, graduating in three.
See what happens when you blink, its a dangerous thing.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Got crabs?
John brought home crabs last night. Oh, man, they were the best! Gotta love summer on the shore! Next, to the boardwalk for some Thrashers fries!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Through the eyes of a child
Saturday, May 30, 2009
A cricket in my bed
Poor JJ, he has bug bites all over his little legs. The mosquitoes must love his blood as much as they used to like mine.
All night in his sleep he's rubbing his legs together or on the sheets. If he were a cricket I can only imagine the neighbors would have had no trouble hearing it!
All night in his sleep he's rubbing his legs together or on the sheets. If he were a cricket I can only imagine the neighbors would have had no trouble hearing it!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My boys are the greatest!
My friend Kelly gave me the idea to do Bran's sports stuff on a digi page this way. Now, just have to be creative enough to figure out how to do the next 3 years! Any suggestions?

Last night I was piling my hair on top my head b/c I can't sleep with it down. I heard JJ mumble something so I stooped down to ask him what he said. He said "Mommy, you're cute" and gave me a hug. I'm going to manage to bottle these up somehow!
Last night I was piling my hair on top my head b/c I can't sleep with it down. I heard JJ mumble something so I stooped down to ask him what he said. He said "Mommy, you're cute" and gave me a hug. I'm going to manage to bottle these up somehow!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Dancing the night away....
Ok, so at 14 maybe Brandon's not dancing much, I remember my 1st formal dance being frought with stupid childish behavior of my "boyfriend's" friend and his girlfriend fighting all night at our table, but I still hope he's having a great time and I'm really looking forward to seeing his pictures! Man, he's almost 15! Where has the past decade gone? This is all too unfair, its blurred by much too quickly!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sometimes I wish.....
Once in awhile the thought pops in to my head on how nice it would be to be single, come home and just pop something in the microwave, not having to worry about what someone else will eat or drink all night.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Thank you
All of you, I have great family and friends! You're all so dear to me, thanks for being in my life!
Love - Kat
Love - Kat
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The lone headstone
Saturday we were at a friend's wedding reception at a state park. Between the jungle gym and the swing sets was a lone headstone of a gentleman born in the early 1800's. If I were to be buried, that would be a wonderful place for my earthly vessel to rest in peace, in a location filled at any given moment with children's laughter, a place for hosting family get togethers and special events, a place of happiness.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Looking forward to.....
So, let's see, we're trying to go away this weekend to enjoy the extra day off. In a couple weeks I'm doing a girl's only day excursion to DC. Then a few days after that its my birthday (I'm eternally 21, so you don't have to ask my age.) Just 2 days after that we leave for Florida! Then bout 3 weeks later we are doing a long weekend with family in Myrtle Beach! This summers going to be GREAT!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A new use for bowling pins
Yeah, JJ really was paying attention at the circus the other night, he pulled out his toy bowling pins and told me they were for juggling, and attempting to throw them in the air and try to catch them. I better watch it, he might try to walk on some string, or ride his tricycle in a mesh ball.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Brandon's Freshman School Pic
Friday, May 15, 2009
Making memories
Last night JJ got to go to his first circus. We only stayed til intermission, it was already 9pm and when here are 3 and 4 year olds involved, that's long enough. But, he enjoyed the caged motorcycles, the "Superhero" (acrobat in a cape and mask) and the tight rope walkers. I loved the ladies who did the twists & turns hanging from the "curtains." My favorite part was the elephant, I had to let JJ ride it, for himself and for me. I have a memory of going to the circus with my mom and riding the elephant. He may not know it, but I was sharing a part of his Maw-Maw with him last night.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Beam me up Scotty.....
Or just beam yourself....
I got a kids meal toy for JJ the other day at Burger King. They are currently running a Star Trek theme. It's a guy with a small body but a huge head, and the voice is totally out of proportion. It just about screams "I'm giving it all she's got captain."
The thing is about to go warp speed into a black hole!
I got a kids meal toy for JJ the other day at Burger King. They are currently running a Star Trek theme. It's a guy with a small body but a huge head, and the voice is totally out of proportion. It just about screams "I'm giving it all she's got captain."
The thing is about to go warp speed into a black hole!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Make it go away!
I have a headache and a sore throat, accompanied by a couple white spots. Wasn't I just sick last week? Shouldn't that now make me exempt even from allergies? I think I need to fill out a complaint card, unfair treatment by my body.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The big questions in life......
If April showers bring May flowers, what do May showers bring? Mosquitos?
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Applause to the abc cable channel
I think it's wonderful of abc to put The Sound of Music in their Mother's Day line-up of shows! Hooray for all the stepmoms out there! See, we aren't all evil, even if we can't sing like Julie Andrews.
A true Mother's Day gift
After getting JJ's pictures taken yesterday we were walking out of Sears to go visit a friend in another store. Passing by the jewelry counter I overheard a little boy telling his mom "I'd really like to get you that ring, it's so pretty, but I don't have enough money."
I know some people scoff at the saying "it's the thought that counts." But sometimes, the thought is much more precious, much more priceless, then any material item could be!
Hope all my ladies have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!
I know some people scoff at the saying "it's the thought that counts." But sometimes, the thought is much more precious, much more priceless, then any material item could be!
Hope all my ladies have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My little man
"I'm happy"
While sitting in bed sharing a bowl of cereal, JJ turns to me and says "Mommy, I'm happy." Then he points to me and says "Mommy, you're happy." I told him yes I was, he makes me happy. His response back was "Mommy, you make me happy."
He may not exactly know what he's repeating, but he knows he's saying it to make me happy, and that's what counts.
He may not exactly know what he's repeating, but he knows he's saying it to make me happy, and that's what counts.
Friday, May 8, 2009
His #1
So, I got to talk with my Dad's girlfriend today, she sounds really sweet and says how she can't wait to spend time with JJ. She has my Dad going to Aruba at the end of the next month! This is the man who told me I was dumb for going to the Dominican, why go anywhere else when its not Hawaii? He was such a homebody, and honestly, I'm loving the changes in him the past 2 years, he's learned to enjoy the moment, something he really needed (though yeah, I do wish he could have been this person years and years ago, but better late than never!)
But, what made my day was how she told me how I'm his #1, how she can tell how much I mean to him. My Dad had told me earlier how she's going to just love me. It's little things like that which would brighten any day. My Dad was never one to compliment me much growing up (quite the opposite)and we were never very affectionate, either verbally or physically, so these changes especially just make me the happiest daughter around!
But, what made my day was how she told me how I'm his #1, how she can tell how much I mean to him. My Dad had told me earlier how she's going to just love me. It's little things like that which would brighten any day. My Dad was never one to compliment me much growing up (quite the opposite)and we were never very affectionate, either verbally or physically, so these changes especially just make me the happiest daughter around!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The sheet thief?
Explain to me how someone who sleeps on top of the comforter manages to steal the bottom and top sheets to his side of the bed?
I think when he gets home before I do that he short changes my side of the bed just for jollies.
I think when he gets home before I do that he short changes my side of the bed just for jollies.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
What to do with a lazy, dreary weekend?
Spend it with my guys, a great friend, and occupy myself scrapping and making jewelry (and of course catch a few naps!) And let's not forget my mind-fodder TV of Tough Love, Daisy of Love & I Love Money 2 ;) What can be better? Oh, we're also attempting potty training. I love my domesticated life, lol.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Walking around with strange kids?
Yesterday morning JJ and I stopped to get gas and then some donuts. The cashier was raving about how cute he was, I thanked her then said we're just working on keeping him from being rotten to spoil it all. She looked at me, surprised, and asked, "oh, is he yours?"
Uh, no, I find kids and randmomly walk around stores with them.
Uh, no, I find kids and randmomly walk around stores with them.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The other foot.....
Try reasoning with a 3 year old. If that's their right foot, what does that make the other foot? It's the WRONG foot.
So, just who did think of naming the "sides" of things using words that have more than 1 meaning? Had to be a man.....
So, just who did think of naming the "sides" of things using words that have more than 1 meaning? Had to be a man.....
Monday, April 27, 2009
My hubby....
John was recognized for going "above & beyond", along with a coworker from another county, for taking parents to see their children in group or detention homes. They give up a Saturday each month to do this, it was their idea to start it. Along with the praise they were each given an "award" as well. Which, my thoughtfull hubby has stated will go to our SC trip. This is a trip with MY family, I don't expect him to do something like that! He says he doesn't believe in brownie points, but he just got some!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Not a good "sign" in my opinion....
On our way to and from seeing family this weekend we kept seeing the welcome sign on the side of the road for P.G. County. Those who know where that is will really catch the irony of what was under it. It stated "A livable community." So, that's all, its livable? They can't boast about a clean community, or a home town community, or anything else, they can only say they are livable, that's all they were able to come up with to put on their road signs?
And honestly, to me, that's stretching it!
And honestly, to me, that's stretching it!
Friday, April 24, 2009
The shirt
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wonder what it looks like going down a bowling lane?
So, I was doing shirts for a friend's stepdaughter's bowling team. They are called the "Major Pains" and the shirts entail a bowling ball, pin, then a drill instructer style hat hanging from the pin. They are done in the "grafitti" style like the pink ribbon shirts I made in the fall. Anyway, I was painting on the finger holes and JJ tells me to finish up "his eyes and nose."
Better keep him away from them or he's might just paint on a smiling mouth too!
Better keep him away from them or he's might just paint on a smiling mouth too!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I can picture the explosion now...
JJ has figured out how to move him sit-n-spin over to the counters, open the microwave, put food in, push the number buttons, then start. Sure, some would think great, independence. But what runs through my mind, an errant fork on a plate being nuked, the sizzle and pops of the electricty meeting radiation waves, then the smoke after the final, loud, bam.
Nothing says love better....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
This answers it all
Today was National Stress Out Day....
I think most everyone else was told about this beforehand, something has to explain their stupid behavior.....
(It is also National High Five Day - I guess what we were suppossed to do after putting up with all the stress!)
I think most everyone else was told about this beforehand, something has to explain their stupid behavior.....
(It is also National High Five Day - I guess what we were suppossed to do after putting up with all the stress!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Photo idiot
I realized that all the mumbo jumbo "written" in my blog would still show as my pictures once I published the post. So, I've put in 1 of the pics of all the kids on Easter day. We're going to try to make a tradition out of it and have the kids scrap the pictures. We'll see how that turns out, it will be cute to see what the kids come up with!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Posting pics?
Why won't this site allow me to post pics? Oh, well, if anyone wants to see Easter pics they will be on myspace and facebook.
But, I can share this. The older and younger kids had 2 egg hunts each Sunday. The second one had money and candy in the eggs, same number of money eggs as the 1st hunt. With the younger kids we all thought it so precious when my nephew told everyone, with each egg he opened (no matter what was inside) how lucky he was. Then, the noticable difference was the older kids complaining that some of their eggs had candy and not all money.
Oh, if they could only stay so young and innocent!
But, I can share this. The older and younger kids had 2 egg hunts each Sunday. The second one had money and candy in the eggs, same number of money eggs as the 1st hunt. With the younger kids we all thought it so precious when my nephew told everyone, with each egg he opened (no matter what was inside) how lucky he was. Then, the noticable difference was the older kids complaining that some of their eggs had candy and not all money.
Oh, if they could only stay so young and innocent!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Hippity Hop
This is the best part of the Wedding Singer, and what's more appropriate than a little hippity hop for Easter?
Friday, April 10, 2009
A pic of JJ & a boast on a friend

My mommy friend IS Bluebug Photography. You can see her link in the blogs I follow. She's amazing, hence why when it came time to do a baby shower gift for a coworker/friend some of us chipped in and got her a gift certificate. She's taken a couple pics of JJ through the years, just candid shots at playdates, all of which I cherish. Yesterday was an Easter Egg Hunt and she took the picture here. I'm already planning in my head when we'll do a family session with her now that JJ is getting more personable.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Is anyone else excited for Easter?
I just can't wait! I love Easter, all aspects of it. Maybe because it officially starts Spring in my mind, but also seeing the kids having so much fun brings me such joy! And its a great time to spend with family as well! Only a few more days!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I'm a rock star
So, JJ has John and I playing Guitar Hero with him (won't Bran be surprised when he comes down in a few days to know this, lol.) It's so cute when I finish and JJ tells me "Mommy, you rock!" I also get a kick out of him jamming along, dancing while he "plays" the guitar, singing along to Foghart - Slow ride....take it easy.
I wonder how much this will affect what he listens to as he gets older. Will Aerosmith and Poison make up his song list?
I wonder how much this will affect what he listens to as he gets older. Will Aerosmith and Poison make up his song list?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Beach Day
Once I can get the 2 guys up and motivated we are headed to the beach to meet up with friends. I feel torn though, there are things that need to get done, and soon, but on the other hand quite frankly I need a little breather.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
What, little ole me?
Happy April Fool's everyone!
I got a good laugh yesterday when 1 of my coworkers said she was worried about what pranks I would pull today. Me? Why would I be any cause for concern, really now!
I got a good laugh yesterday when 1 of my coworkers said she was worried about what pranks I would pull today. Me? Why would I be any cause for concern, really now!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Virtue I need
Does anyone know where I can buy a patience pill? I was not born with enough patience and I think I exceeded my lifetime allotment awhile back. Oh, well. Maybe this is just God's way of teaching me patience in His own way. I just have to remind myself, *what* we want is out there and good things come to those who wait. I just have to remind myself that it will be all the sweeter in the end, things will be all the more special because it didn't come immediately.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
There's something lost in the accent.....
Once in awhile JJ goes back to his old favorite Wiggles DVDs. Today he was watching the one about the magician and Dorothy's birthday. Suddenly he runs into the bathroom and says Dorothy needs his potty because its her birthday. Guess to him it sounded like the coordinating Australians were singing "It's a Dinosaur birthday POTTY."
A nothing weekend
I think this is the 1st time we've had nothing planned on a weekend, and man does it feel good! The weather is nasty, which I was at 1st disappointed about, but honestly, its a blessing! It will allow us to relax, and with everything that's coming up in the next 2 months, we will need it! I wonder how long I can manage to stay in my sweats?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Caught in the Twilight
John rented me Twilight, now something I was really interested in, hence why I never read the books thought my mommy friends have been talking about for a long time now. Also, from what some of them said about the movie I wasn't expecting much. But I was up til midnight b/c I couldn't stop watching (and for those that know me, I am NOT a night person! John woke up when I as turning it off and laughed when I told him I'd now be getting the books!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Vacation sooner!
Oh, I'm so happy, we are going to take our vacation sooner than we planned! I need it SO bad! I just sat down and realized the only days I have taken off were to JJ being sick or for a CPR class, since we went to FL in June! A road trip back south is clearly in order! Can't wait to see our family there!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I'm a gamer....
Ok, Rhea, you got me hooked on video games again. JJ's fighting to get the DS from me, lol.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Now I'm a superhero
Yeah, there's a lot kids pick up on!
We're leaving Target yesterday afternoon, talking about a white dog that JJ saw and how he wanted it. He looks at me and asks "Mommy, you want a baby?" I tell him sure, why not. He said "Ok, mommy, you can have a baby." His thought process may have been along the lines that if I got a baby it meant he could get the white dog. I can't even think of the last time we discussed babies around him!
*Update - it's def a bargaining mechanism. He saw someone on a scooter today while we were on our way to a friend's house. He told me "Mommy, I can have a scooter and you can have a baby."*
*Update - it's def a bargaining mechanism. He saw someone on a scooter today while we were on our way to a friend's house. He told me "Mommy, I can have a scooter and you can have a baby."*
Saturday, March 21, 2009
He will not grow up on me!
It was bad enough Bran asked to shave last year, but JJ's now asking why he can't too! The kid already wants to wear our deodrant all the time! Maybe the Easter Bunny will bring him a pretend kit of his own.
Guess the "Stay Little" song just isn't going to work.
Guess the "Stay Little" song just isn't going to work.
Friday, March 20, 2009
It's a Friday
I remember being told when I was younger that it was bad luck to learn something new on a Friday. Have no clue who said it, I want to say my Dad but I'm not quite sure. So, I decided to stick with that philosophy and just veg on all Fridays from now on, gotta do what I can to preserve good luck right! Shame some others do this 5 days a week as is and I'm already picking up some slack. Oh well, guess I just have to take Friday as being a good day just b/c its attached to the coming weekend and carry on as normal.
I also realized I didn't post this picture from the Globetrotters earlier this month. Can you tell JJ was really getting into the game? I just can't believe it was just a few weeks ago we had snow on our ground that same night and it was FREEZING!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St Patrick's Day!

Hope everyone has had a great St Patrick's Day and it continues as so! When the others came in to work this morning some of them found that a mischievous leprechaun had turned their chairs upside down! We got a few laughs over our headbands and had a great "green" lunch! Can't wait for Easter! Once JJ gets up from his nap (yeah, he's getting over a fever so its a late nap) he will be surprised to see the leprechaun left him a Spiderman suit! Don't worry, you know there will be pics of that posted later!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Dear Easter Bunny....
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Do not go through baby clothes, especially when the purpose is to clear room to get your toddler a "big boy bed."
Monday, March 9, 2009
Mountain Climbing
Saturday, March 7, 2009
A school project?
Uh, what? A scrapbook on Romeo & Juliet using pictures and quotes from the movie? I'd LOVE to see what the other freshmen come up with, especially the guys!
Friday, March 6, 2009
I'm tucking these away...
Another day when I picked JJ up from daycare I was talking to him about his day. I told him I missed him and he asked "Mommy, you missed me" in a happy little sing-song voice. I told him yes, of course I did. He then tells me"Mommy, I missed you."
The same night after he told me I was going in the corner and time out, I had called him "honey." He told me "I'm not honey, I'm JJ." I told him he was my honey. He stopped what he was doing, looked at me and said "Mommy, you are my honey."
I'm going to store those little tidbits away, I know he won't feel the same way forever!
The same night after he told me I was going in the corner and time out, I had called him "honey." He told me "I'm not honey, I'm JJ." I told him he was my honey. He stopped what he was doing, looked at me and said "Mommy, you are my honey."
I'm going to store those little tidbits away, I know he won't feel the same way forever!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Mommy, you go in the corner
When I picked JJ up from daycare he was talking and all I initially heard was "go in the snow." I thought he was telling me about his day. Nope, he was telling me we were going to play when we got home. I told him no, mommy was tired and daddy was fixing dinner. He then told me I was not tired and I was going in the corner. When I told him I was not going in the corner he told me I was going in time out, that I was being bad.
So, who decided the twos were terrible and not the threes? Someone whose child was only two at the time clearly!
So, who decided the twos were terrible and not the threes? Someone whose child was only two at the time clearly!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Always a pick me up
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Kiss
In the 1st Spiderman there's the infamous kiss, where Mary Jane peels the upside-down Spiderman's mask up to kiss him. Even if you haven't seen the movie I'm sure you've seen the clip of it somewhere.
JJ now lets us know when this part comes on, you can't miss his explaining loudly "EEEEWWWW, they're kissing."
Yeah, I know, this attitude will change too fast for my liking.
JJ now lets us know when this part comes on, you can't miss his explaining loudly "EEEEWWWW, they're kissing."
Yeah, I know, this attitude will change too fast for my liking.
Friday, February 27, 2009
He Thinks I'm an "Idol"
I don't know if John realized how good it made me feel when he told me we'll have to go to Disney in June so I could do this:
He's never once commented on my singing, so I took that as being as close to a compliment as I guess I was going to get.
He's never once commented on my singing, so I took that as being as close to a compliment as I guess I was going to get.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
All I hear when JJ watches cable tv is "Mommy, I want that, mommy I want that, mommy I want that, mommy I want that."
Man, they really know how to market huh!
Whatever happened to the POINT of cable being that there weren't going to be any commercials. Wasn't that the reason of having to pay for cable in the 1st place? With all the money they get off advertising we should get all the channels for free!
Man, they really know how to market huh!
Whatever happened to the POINT of cable being that there weren't going to be any commercials. Wasn't that the reason of having to pay for cable in the 1st place? With all the money they get off advertising we should get all the channels for free!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Does an age gap really matter?
I've heard people complain that kids close in age fight with each other a lot. I've had other people tell me that even with a 4 year age gap the kids fight a lot. I never thought an 11 year age gap with bickering. Sure, its not full out fighting, but you have the older 1 picking on the younger one, the younger one fighting back, and then telling on the older one. It seems so left field, I can't keep from laughing.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Today's letter for the day is "R"
Ten things I love about "R" as assigned by Chris
1. Relationships - I have no doubt that the reports are true, you'd die young without relationships.
2. Respect - Sometimes you never really know how important that is until you feel its missing, but at least it makes you appreciate it when it is there. I hope to teach the boys especially how important this is for their futures, in everyday life, but most importantly in their relationships!
3. Redo - Be it in miniature golf or just in life in general, we all need a redo once in awhile. Thankfully we get them all the time, its called tomorrow (though, yes, they are limited.)
4. Rabbits - or at least the chocolate or marshmallow ones. Easter is my favorite holiday, being able to get together as a larger family unit and seeing the kids having so much fun just has so much joy and memories attached.
5. Reality TV - yeah we're hooked on it in our house, just about any of it will do, its kinda sad how addicted we are.
6. Railroads - my grandfather worked for them, I've always lived within a half mile of 1. I feel tied to them. And its always been fun when we've taken the boys on trains, that was part of the excursions! And my Chessie blanket from my Pop-Pop will always me a treasured keepsake!
7. Randomness - Yeah, things seem to come out of nowhere with me. A thought will jump all around and then what comes out of my mouth is totally off the original topic, its hard for people to follow. But I kinda like being that way, people don't know what to expect, and sometimes that randomness leads to pleasant surprises. (and we can't forget RANDOM acts of kindness....)
8. Rain - I love hearing the rain fall and the smell it leaves afterwards, especially in the summer, it cleanses and brings forth life. Its great to just stay home and wear pajamas all day during wet weather, it gives an excuse to be a little lazy and indulgent. I love the memories of looking for rainbows with my Mom, and watching lighting storms with my Dad.
9. Rambunctiousness - I love the little jumping bean that I gave birth to a little over 3 years ago. Where he gets all the energy from I wish I knew, I could use some of it (oh, wait, he probably took it from me!)
10 . Rapture - The awe on JJ's face when 1 of us comes home, or when he discovers something new, is amazing. It will completely take you back and make you a kid again!
To play along with the game, leave a comment that you to participate and I'll send you an email/comment with your assigned special letter!
1. Relationships - I have no doubt that the reports are true, you'd die young without relationships.
2. Respect - Sometimes you never really know how important that is until you feel its missing, but at least it makes you appreciate it when it is there. I hope to teach the boys especially how important this is for their futures, in everyday life, but most importantly in their relationships!
3. Redo - Be it in miniature golf or just in life in general, we all need a redo once in awhile. Thankfully we get them all the time, its called tomorrow (though, yes, they are limited.)
4. Rabbits - or at least the chocolate or marshmallow ones. Easter is my favorite holiday, being able to get together as a larger family unit and seeing the kids having so much fun just has so much joy and memories attached.
5. Reality TV - yeah we're hooked on it in our house, just about any of it will do, its kinda sad how addicted we are.
6. Railroads - my grandfather worked for them, I've always lived within a half mile of 1. I feel tied to them. And its always been fun when we've taken the boys on trains, that was part of the excursions! And my Chessie blanket from my Pop-Pop will always me a treasured keepsake!
7. Randomness - Yeah, things seem to come out of nowhere with me. A thought will jump all around and then what comes out of my mouth is totally off the original topic, its hard for people to follow. But I kinda like being that way, people don't know what to expect, and sometimes that randomness leads to pleasant surprises. (and we can't forget RANDOM acts of kindness....)
8. Rain - I love hearing the rain fall and the smell it leaves afterwards, especially in the summer, it cleanses and brings forth life. Its great to just stay home and wear pajamas all day during wet weather, it gives an excuse to be a little lazy and indulgent. I love the memories of looking for rainbows with my Mom, and watching lighting storms with my Dad.
9. Rambunctiousness - I love the little jumping bean that I gave birth to a little over 3 years ago. Where he gets all the energy from I wish I knew, I could use some of it (oh, wait, he probably took it from me!)
10 . Rapture - The awe on JJ's face when 1 of us comes home, or when he discovers something new, is amazing. It will completely take you back and make you a kid again!
To play along with the game, leave a comment that you to participate and I'll send you an email/comment with your assigned special letter!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The new Superhero Hangout
We always have new Superheros showing up at our house, sometimes they really look familiar! Superman is getting cuter and cuter as the years go by!
Seems to be the main hangout is the stove (hey, they have to eat too) but watch out, Joker seems to want to join the party....
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Family geneology
A cousin has been doing research into our ancestors. We already knew from my grandmothers research that our 1st ancestors came over on the Mayflower, we had some Sioux Indian blood, P.G. county was given to our family as a land grant from Lord Calvert (the 2nd Lord Baltimore) and that we were descendants to George Washington. My grandmother also stated we were related to the Black Knight of England but I always heard that "person" was a myth.
I can't wait to get the paperwork, but my cousin has found family links to 3 other Presidents (JFK being 1 and the other side of the family is related to Jackie O), the Queen of England (which makes sense b/c Lord Calvert would have given land grants to his family and close friends and he was already royalty himself.)
But what explains it all, we are related to John Wayne. That covers why JJ always wants to dress up as a cowboy and why my Dad used to. It's in the blood. And I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we are also related to Katherine, thus in turn, Audrey Hepburn.
But, no matter what, when JJ gets older I will love telling him how he is a 1st generation American (being John wasn't born in the states) but he has so much of a full history tying him to America, something I hope he can be proud of (yeah, yeah, I know, even though we had nothing to do with what other people did in the past...)
I can't wait to get the paperwork, but my cousin has found family links to 3 other Presidents (JFK being 1 and the other side of the family is related to Jackie O), the Queen of England (which makes sense b/c Lord Calvert would have given land grants to his family and close friends and he was already royalty himself.)
But what explains it all, we are related to John Wayne. That covers why JJ always wants to dress up as a cowboy and why my Dad used to. It's in the blood. And I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we are also related to Katherine, thus in turn, Audrey Hepburn.
But, no matter what, when JJ gets older I will love telling him how he is a 1st generation American (being John wasn't born in the states) but he has so much of a full history tying him to America, something I hope he can be proud of (yeah, yeah, I know, even though we had nothing to do with what other people did in the past...)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Wow, good memory
The UPS guy at the new office I'm at is 1 of the guys who used to deliver at the job I had pre-JJ (I remember the other guy too b/c he was friends with John and a former MLB player.) Anyway, it took the UPS guy a week and a half, then he stopped me and asked me if I worked at such-and-such address. My 1st thought was "what a memory!" I went to that office more than he did and it took me a minute to realize that was my old job! My 2nd thought was about how him remembering me is not necessarily a good thing, lol.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The effect people have on me....
Yesterday afternoon I allowed 2 people to really get me in a funk which I couldn't talk myself out of. No amount of reasoning that it wasn't personal or how I dealt with SO many more nice people that day was getting through to myself. Then a close family member gave me GREAT news and I'm just about on cloud 9, and I think I will remain there for a long time. Makes me realize that while I shouldn't let people "get to me" so much, if I didn't feel the bad, would I also numb myself from feeling the elation? In the end, it is all worth it.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
He'll sing it, but he won't dance it:
"I've got to move it move it, I've got to MOVE IT."
And we have to keep from laughing b/c then he'll stop doing it, or of course tell us it isn't funny.
"I've got to move it move it, I've got to MOVE IT."
And we have to keep from laughing b/c then he'll stop doing it, or of course tell us it isn't funny.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The future Bruce Lee
Heard in our house each night "Daddy, let's fight."
Now, he doesn't really want to fight, he wants to do stunts, where he pretends to kick you, you grab his leg and he falls (on the bed of course.) He also likes to pretend box, where he ends up being tickled.
Wonder if he's taking after Uncle Kirk to be a boxer. Or maybe Daddy with martial arts. Maybe its cousins Chev & Kenny with the UFC. (I don't think mommy could take those though, no matter how big he will get seeing someone hit my little man will make ME want to fight!)
Or maybe he's just all boy.
We still have another year before he can go into karate to see if it really is something ingrained in him. Until then we'll just enjoy his fits of giggles.
Now, he doesn't really want to fight, he wants to do stunts, where he pretends to kick you, you grab his leg and he falls (on the bed of course.) He also likes to pretend box, where he ends up being tickled.
Wonder if he's taking after Uncle Kirk to be a boxer. Or maybe Daddy with martial arts. Maybe its cousins Chev & Kenny with the UFC. (I don't think mommy could take those though, no matter how big he will get seeing someone hit my little man will make ME want to fight!)
Or maybe he's just all boy.
We still have another year before he can go into karate to see if it really is something ingrained in him. Until then we'll just enjoy his fits of giggles.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Got my fix....
As my mom would have said, I sat on a book yesterday, into early this morning. I was "jonesing" so bad, its been over a month since I had a new book to read, that I indulged myself from cover to cover. Hope the "fix" lasts me!
Friday, February 6, 2009
New toy warning label..... for a child not your own come with the requirement that you go to the custodial house and make sure said toy is cleaned up every night.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Try to explain myself
It seems the idea of our family adopting a child or 2 confuses some people. I just wanted to clear a few things up:
- No, we don't have a lot of money, and no, we are not giving you any. You don't have to be Angelina Jolie to adopt kids, thank goodness that isn't a requirement, these kids have a hard enough time having families "find" them.
- Yes, I can have biological children, I have the scar running across my abdomen to prove it, and yes, we do plan to have 1 more biological child, so thanks, but no thanks to the offer to sell me an ovary.
- No, I really don't feel I am doing anything special b/c the reasons people adopt are kinda selfish, the same way when you have a biological child are, you're doing it b/c you want to add to your family, you want to give love, you want to receive it.
- No, I can't fully explain why we want to adopt. That same desire to "reproduce" that some people claim is purely natures way of making sure the human race continues, is actually the same emotional pull I have to adopt, its the only way I can explain it, this is something we are meant to do.
- Yes, I understand there are "risks" with adopting, but there was a risk when I got pregnant with JJ that something could go wrong, which I was fully aware of since I lost a baby before him. But I still got pregnant with him on purpose, and I'll do it again. Life is always about chance and things rarely go the way we plan them to. A child is always a blessing and the only guarantee you have with them is that life will never be boring.
I'm not trying to be facetious, we just seem to run into the same comments over and over. And the ironic thing is, not from anyone who would be reading this blog, I just wanted to get it off my chest, thanks for listening.
- No, we don't have a lot of money, and no, we are not giving you any. You don't have to be Angelina Jolie to adopt kids, thank goodness that isn't a requirement, these kids have a hard enough time having families "find" them.
- Yes, I can have biological children, I have the scar running across my abdomen to prove it, and yes, we do plan to have 1 more biological child, so thanks, but no thanks to the offer to sell me an ovary.
- No, I really don't feel I am doing anything special b/c the reasons people adopt are kinda selfish, the same way when you have a biological child are, you're doing it b/c you want to add to your family, you want to give love, you want to receive it.
- No, I can't fully explain why we want to adopt. That same desire to "reproduce" that some people claim is purely natures way of making sure the human race continues, is actually the same emotional pull I have to adopt, its the only way I can explain it, this is something we are meant to do.
- Yes, I understand there are "risks" with adopting, but there was a risk when I got pregnant with JJ that something could go wrong, which I was fully aware of since I lost a baby before him. But I still got pregnant with him on purpose, and I'll do it again. Life is always about chance and things rarely go the way we plan them to. A child is always a blessing and the only guarantee you have with them is that life will never be boring.
I'm not trying to be facetious, we just seem to run into the same comments over and over. And the ironic thing is, not from anyone who would be reading this blog, I just wanted to get it off my chest, thanks for listening.
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