Friday, October 31, 2008

Sick kid & Happy Halloween

My little guy has his 1st ever ear infection so he's on antiobiotics for the 1st time ever as well. This came out of the blue, no cold, sickness, runny nose, or even allergies. I'm hoping he's better today but needless to say he won't be trick-or-treating tonight. I might do something else with him b/c unfotunately our neighbors aren't great for handing out candy so there aren't many kids for him to even see come to our door in their costumes. Looks like JJ is taking after me in the sense that holidays don't work too good for the body, he was sick at Easter even!

But, I hope everyone gets to enjoy their Halloween today and tonight! Can't wait to see everyone's pictures!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Work shirts

A couple of us had slightly diff "work" shirts (which we made) yesterday in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Oh, he's growing up on me!

Oh, he's getting so big so quickly!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

JJ the beanstalk

I started noticing it last week, but JJ is growing out of his 3t jeans and pants. It's only length wise b/c the waists he could probably fit in for a couple more years (literally, he could still wear a 18-24 month if we were only going on waist size.) This morning I showed John how his jeans were at his ankle, 3ts, but the waist was swimming on him. Thankfully a lot of 4ts have the same waist size as 3ts, only longer length, and I can get the slim jeans or the ones with the adjustable straps inside. Guess he's got the Johnson build from his great-poppop as well, tall and skinny (do you know how many times I have been called stringbean, beanstalk, bones, etc.) But don't tell my Dad that, he swears that JJ is going to be big and broad like John, guess he hasn't seen too many 3 year olds to compare JJ to, lol.

But, I asked JJ this morning if he's grown, he told me yeah. I told him he's gotta stop that and stay little for me. As a friend pointed out, they never listen huh.

Monday, October 27, 2008

My old book....

I recently pulled out an old "journal" of poems, songs, quotes, rhymes, cards, etc. It's interesting to see the progression, my change in thinking over the different events, and how much there is in it that still means so much to me.
There is 1 thing that really does have bearing over my life, and all of you in it, and yeah, I'm pretty aware of my eccentricities, so I know how true it can be to many of you.

"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved, loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."
- Victor Hugo

Here's also a couple Dr Seuss Quotes I'll be adding, I'm looking for a non-childrens book if anyone happens across one!
- “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
- “Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
- “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”
- “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!”
- “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” (wow, right from my Dad's mouth!)
- “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”
- “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way.”

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jolly Roger JJ

I couldn't resist posting this, even though its my 3rd post today! Rhea gave us a pirate costume from her boys last year, which is greatly appreciated b/c JJ just loves playing pretend! I promised him that after his nap today that he'd be able to be a pirate and those were the 1st words out of his mouth upon waking!

In the 60's

I know, its kinda cheating to not actually dress up for Halloween, but its still fun! If you wanna try yourself, here's a link!

My little Ninja

From Treat Street last night at the Crown Sports Center. Thank goodness we got there early! It got to be a mad house! But JJ really enjoyed his 1st time out really trick or treating! I knew this year was going to be so neat with him at the holidays (and yeah, any given day.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Foto Friday

JJ's daycare provider took some pics of their pumpkin painting Wednesday. JJ was so proud of his pumpkin, he had to show everyone! And Ginny, do you recognize the smock? If you get a chance let me know where you found it, his daycare provider would like to get some.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

For our military

As many of you know, I come from a strong military family. John and I met 11 years ago while I was taking the ASVAB and he was a recruiter plus I have an older brother who I am very proud of! My Dad was also a Marine (oh, sorry, once a Marine always a Marine.) And there are many others in my family who deserve more honor than they have every been given for their service!

My cousin recently started a blog for GOOD military stories to offset the deluge of negative things put out by the media. If anyone would like to contribute, please email any stories to:

The blog's address is

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

JJ in 50 years, the kid who thinks its a joke to do this in front of me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Have you ever told him.....

Have you ever told your man that he's a good Dad? I hadn't, oh, I have told other people what a great guy he is, or good husband, and yes, even good Dad, but I had never told him. I told John last night, he was kinda struck, didn't know what to say. It did sorta come out of the blue, the thought popped in my head and right out my mouth (like so many other things do.) I was immediately glad I said it, then it dawned on me that I had never said it to him. I need to let him know more things that I take for granted he knows, b/c even if he does, its still things that need to be verbalized every so often. Early in our relationship I would leave him little cards and notes, maybe I need to bring that practice back.

A friend posted this Dr Suess quote in a discussion, who knew he wasn't all about green eggs & ham!
"You know you are in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."

Monday, October 20, 2008


What can I say, I'm a worrier, always have been, imagine I always will be. It's worse when it involves someone I love. It's worse when I don't have all the information yet and I have to wait to get it (have I also mentioned that I'm not a patient person?) And the feeling of helplessness, not being able to do anything to rectify the situation, makes it worse. I know, I was warned, this comes with the territory, we've all heard that once the worry starts it never ends....

It's not as much fun being an adult huh. And to top that off, I'm sitting here with a headache and the Runts that a center brought in for us all just do not taste the same. Guess its kinda like fortune cookies, they are just different now that I am an adult. It's bad enough we have to deal with all the heavy stuff of life, but to have candy not taste good anymore, its just unfair!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back home

Back home from the Komen race today. Thanks everyone for your donation and well wishes! It really means a lot to me! There were SO many people there. I overheard 1 woman say they were expecting 30.000 participants but they got many more. It was overwhelming at 1st, seeing the street packed with people, to see so much pink, everyone touched by breast cancer. It was beautiful, there's really no ther word to describe it. My goal is to next year do the 5k timed race with my cousin and her husband (BTW, thanks Ginny for doing the walk with me and way to go Mike on 23 minutes!) John and I will also be doing the benefit ride sometime this year too if any other motorcycle enthusiasts would like to join us. Again, thanks everyone for your love & support, it really means a lot to me!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Foto Friday

The only way to get JJ to not ask for his Ninja costume for Halloween was to offer other suggestions, he was all for dressing up as a biker. The next morning John was getting him dressed and this is what I found when I walked out, I was laughing so hard! His daycare provider said he wouldn't take the do-rag off all day, not even to nap, and he wouldn't let any of his friends touch it! I have to say that he's so adorable, but I have some apologizing to do for passing on the Johnson ears to the poor boy!

And don't forget you can still sign up or donate for the Komen Race this weekend, see my blog post from Oct 7th at the bottom of this page! Thanks to everyone for your support!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

CPR/First Aid

So, I completed infant, child & adult CPR and First Aid today. Now you can all finally feel safe around me....maybe

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

For my little ninja who put pet food pellets up his nose (don't ask.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We're approved!

As of last Friday we are officially licensed foster and adoptive parents! Thanks to all of you who gave support, reccomendations, well wishes or "just" an ear! We greatly appreciate you all!

Email a duck, raise a buck

Many of you got this email last year, here it is again. I tried bring my old duck into action (#594) but all it shows is the generic duck, but it does have my map from last year. Let's try to get this duck going further!

Monday, October 13, 2008

What's on your feet?

I saw this the other day and just fell in love with it, I want it on a shirt!

"Life's too short for boring socks."

Next time you see me, ask what's on my feet, you never know what you're gonna find!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


We had our family pics done yesterday and we picked up an extra 1 of the boys. I have to say that had to be my favorite photo session ever! So many pics turned out great, it was hard to choose! Now I just have to get JJ's 3 year old pics soon, and Brandon just had his school pics done Friday! So I'll be updating the wall soon, lol.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bad week for the men!

So, 2 hours after JJ hurt himself the other day (see yesterday's post) John sends me a text that according to a nurse coworker he has divertaticulitis and "may" go to the doctor. Did a little research and made him go. He's on antibiotics for the infection (no palpable pus pockets or knots) and since yesterday on meds for the cramping which had not fully gone away.

Yesterday, Bran's playing dodgeball in gym (didn't most schools ban this?) and some kid lands on him and he hurts his knee. Of course they can't see anything at the ER, its swollen, so he goes to the ortho Wednesday, in the meantime keeping in wrapped. Districts is coming up next weekend (the only freshman to make it!) so hopefully he'll get the all clear before then.

So, does anyone want to guess how much the guys will be milking it this weekend? I'll probably be running out the door Monday morning, but how will they deal with each other's miserable selves alone that day, lol.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Foto Friday

This is a pic of JJ with his friend Bud at daycare Wednesday. Kristin joked that they must've called each other to discuss what they were going to wear. Thankfully you can't see in the pic that JJ has the makings of what will be a black eye, and a purple lip from trying to do a headstand off the couch. I told Kristin if he's anything like me he will be a little dare-devil, but what scares me worse is he will be like my Dad, no fear (2 years old climbing on the roof of the old farm house! And my Dad thinks its the neatest thing in the world that JJ is so much like him - black eyes, serious expressions, planes, motorcycles, and now our own little Evil Knievel!) Kristin told me last week she caught him tying to put a bicycle on the slide to ride down it! Long ago I did tell my mom he was going to be my Dennis The Menace, not malicious, but inquisitive. HELP ME!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm turning into my parents.....

Who didn't hear growing up that if we didn't pick our clothes off the floor then they'd be thrown away, or giving to Goodwill?

We've graduated it seems, to threatening that you will get 1 set of clothes to wear all the time. And this isn't John's or my threat, but I love it, lol.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

An Army Of Women
Help find a cure for breast cancer! The Army is dedicated to representing ALL women in research so that the research results will apply to ALL women. This means we need you to help us recruit women of all ages, ethnicities, sizes, and shapes. We need women who have had breast cancer and women who have not. We need African American women, Asian women, white women, Latinas, and lesbians to be involved.

Race For The Cure

Please join me on Sunday, October 19th so you can be among the anticipated 35,000 people who will participate in the 2008 Komen Maryland Race for the Cure held in Hunt Valley, Maryland. Your help will help support the Komen promise of saving lives and ending breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality for all and energizing science to find the cures.

Because early detection is the best protection for breast cancer, Komen Maryland sponsors grants that increase the number of women who have annual mammograms and clinical breast exam screenings. Komen grants also target the entire range of breast health services from transportation to appointments and financial support to clinical trials and national research to find a cure.

Let's work together to help find a cure, so other families & friends will not experience the loss that we all have! Breast cancer touches everyone, let's help find a way to stop it!

All you need to do is follow the link to my personal webpage to make a donation or to register as a race participant! It's that easy! For more information visit my personal web page and help me in my efforts to support Susan G. Komen - Maryland Affiliate - copy and paste the following into your browser:

Monday, October 6, 2008


How is it that when Monday morning rolls around I'm already wishing the time to fly for the weekend. Life isn't suppossed to be this way, especially when at the same time I'm wishing time would slow for the boys growing up!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Is it just me, of does 71 in the Fall seem so much cooler than 71 in the Spring? I so was meant to live in a warm climate!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Halloween Questions

Since "Wacky Wednesday" was pretty serious, here's something lighter and takes a little input. Here's 2 one liners, let's see some answers, the cornier the better!!

1. Why did the skeleton go disco dancing?

2. Why do ghosts shiver and moan?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. this affects many of us 1 way or another.

As you all know, June 2007 I lost my mom to her 2nd battle with breast cancer. My mom was my best friend and no one could ask for a better mother! She was 1 of 21 kids (an identical twin so as we all say, JJ has 2 grandmothers since he insists on calling my Aunt "MawMaw.") As you can imagine she didn't have a lot materially growing up, so she strived to make sure I had it all, and at the same time she raised me to appreciate what I was given as well. She put up with my dad and myself, many times being between what must have felt like as 2 brick walls. She was a miracle worker with her yard, a WONDERFUL cook, and took great pleasure in sewing for others (there are many things around our house touched by her hands!) There have been many times when I have tried to express in words the extent of her personality but there are no combination or words that would adequately describe her!

My mom was diagnosed the first time 5 years ago and went through radiation therapy, even missing her own father's wake, to make sure she didn't miss an appointment! She was given the all clear, went to her follow-up appointments, and had all the necessary checks and tests. She refused mammograms and instead had MRIs b/c with her first mass, even though it could be felt, the mammogram would not pick it up. Had she not been persistent in that decision, they never would have found the 2nd cancer under her chest cavity. Right after JJ was born (her 1st long awaited biological grandchild) she was diagnosed the 2nd time. This time she had to endure numerous chemotherapies, most of which left her weak and sick. Even the PET scan that she had gave her skin cancer which had to be treated daily by a nurse who would come to the house. But, she was doing good, the cancer levels had gone to the bottom of the chart, so her doctor gave her 2 months off, then an extra month off. We think this time gave the cancer an opportunity to mutate b/c after that no form of treatment would keep the numbers from rising, but the doctor was still hopeful she would still have a few years, that he would get it to a manageable level and she would go in regularly for that they call "maintenance" treatments. Unfortunately, the CAT scans did not show at any point that the cancer was spreading, only after she had a stroke and they did a full body MRI did they see to the extent that it had. My mom passed away peacefully surrounded by those of us that loved her. She was blessed in that she did not suffer, and we were blessed to have had her.

Our only hope is that we can all try to pass on to JJ just how lucky he was to have her for a grandmother! We are and will remain vigilent in finding any way possible to find a cure so others do not have to go through what my mom did, or feel the loss we now do! Many of you have had to endure silly emails about sending a duck or making a woman since the sponsers are donating to breast cancer initiatives. In a few short weeks we will be doing the Komen walk in Hunt Valley, like we did last year in New Jersey (so forgive me ahead of time for hitting you up for $.) Also, my friend has added and will continue to add information to her blog, please go through the link below to visit her site!

(and as a side note, please do not remain lax in your own breast health! My best friend was diagnosed a month after my mom's passing with inflammatory breast cancer, 1/2 way through her 2nd pregnancy. Thankfully both she and her son are happy & healthy! This really does affect us all!)

Yep, JJ's taking after his uncles.....

.... he likes older women.....

Many of you know I have a "step-niece" who comes down a couple times a year. While on myspace this morning I was commenting on her school pic and JJ says "That's Bwitney, she's pwety, Bwitney in Penswlavana."

And 1st thing he asked when I picked him up from daycare yesterday "We going home?" I told him yes, did he want to go home and he answers "no, I wanna see Ms Kerri." I told him not tonight and he said "gonna see Ms Kerri tomowow."

Yep, already the little ladies man, forget girls his own age!