Saturday, April 28, 2012

Photo Card

Of course I am not going to share Day's graduation announcements and ruin those getting them in the mail, but I had to share his friend's, with pictures that I took!
Band Of Memories Graduation
Shutterfly graduation party invitations and gift ideas.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Must Read - Three Little Words

When I picked Day up from his Life Class last week he was very impressed with the guest speaker they had, Ashley Rhodes-Courter. She had been in the Florida foster care system for 9 of her young years, and horribly neglected by the system and certain people in society. Thankfully she ended up with advocates, a couple people within the system, and her adoptive parents. Her bravery to share her story is touching, the story itself heartbreaking and uplifting. Even if you do not have any ties to foster care and adoption, it is definitely a story worth reading!

If you would like to read more on her, her website is:

Thursday, April 19, 2012

LGLG - Let Go and Let God

I don't normally discuss anything religious because I do not believe in pushing my beliefs on others nor do I feel my spiritual relationship should be questioned by anyone else. But this week was just too much not to share.

Lately I have felt I am not enough. The three little ones are all so attached to me and I still have my two older ones with fun senior things going on to keep in order. I feel like I need a few clones of myself to spend time with each of them and a few more to do laundry, cook, clean, and grocery shop. I have felt guilty because I WANT the individual time with each of my kids, but it is hard. Many doubts go through my head. I almost missed JJ's Art Show at our Board of Education today, I just can't keep up!

I finally let go, and prayed on it. I gave it all over to God and Jesus. Of course the peace alone for just getting my worries off my chest is immediate and honestly quite enough. But the very next day a woman in Wal-Mart warmed my heart, telling Molly how lucky she is, that mommy is so set on what is good for her, and telling Molly she is part of the Jolie-Pitt family, which gave me a light hearted giggle. And she thanked me for our family, telling me that she works with homeless kids and knows the need. Then yesterday, while in Food Lion a half a dozen people had nice comments for my kids, and then a woman began talking with my kids while being checked out. Come to find out she had also fostered and adopted and was telling me about her own family.

I believe those two women were put in my path for a reason, because I asked for help. No, God isn't going to give me two extra arms or turn me into Supermom, but he will bolster my spirits, give me people when I need them just to remind me why I have chosen my family, and why he chose to fulfill the wish for my family. For this (and many other things) I am grateful. Just goes to show, all you have to do is ask. ASAP (always send a prayer)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Word Portrait

This website is awesome! You can create a portrait from a picture of your choice and words of your choice! I used it to make the meaning of JT's names, which you will see below, for his scrapbook page. I will use this again to do something for the all my older kid's upcoming graduation with some encouraging words to frame.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

We are unique, not unusual!

I have comments made about my "unusual" family. I bristle a little at that term, even though technically I know we aren't the "usual" family (as much as I wish there were more families like our own.) But the word sounds negative to me, even though my friend Jen did point out last week that I am not exactly usual myself, which I will readily own up to. I don't buck conformity for shock value, I do care what my loved ones think, just not enough to change who I am and what I hope to accomplish in this life. I am who I am and thankfully I was blessed to be surrounded by people who accept and embrace that.

But don't think that the looks I get from strangers doesn't bother me. It's not because I care for myself what goes through their heads, it's because I know what it means my children will go through. I wish people would just ask, the same as I have heard people say who have had an accident and are wheelchair bound. Don't look away, and don't stare, and don't make assumptions! I was so relieved yesterday when the lady processing our passports asked, there is nothing wrong with any way God has given me any of my kids!

Last Saturday out shopping really grated. I'm chalking it up to preparations for Easter holiday had moods a little sour, because today was completely different, and made up for it. So many people were all smiles, commenting on my cute kids (and they all are pretty darn adorable.) A cashier told me how we made her day, and I hope she knows how she made mine.

I can only hope my kids can ignore the bad and focus on the good. It's a hard thing for any of us to do, but I do know that my kids will take away so much from growing up within our home, and there is so much I will gain from being blessed to be their mom. There is nothing that anyone out there could do that would change that!

"If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart."

Monday, April 9, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Christmas Story for Easter

I had the pleasure of hearing of this miracle first hand the other day from the wife of the gentleman involved and it is too good not to share. I only wish I possessed the pose it deserves to be told in!

This past Christmas the couple had the chance to volunteer with the youths in foster care for their Christmas party. The husband was helping Santa out for the day, wearing his suit to listen to wishes and hand out presents. There was one teen who kept coming up to him, quite excited because he had not sat with Santa before. His only wish for Christmas was a hat of a particular sports team. When he opened his gift, it was the very hat he asked for. When he asked Santa how he knew, Santa told him it was magic.

I wanted to cry right there, it is wonderful the boy was given a little joy and was able to be the part of a little magic. Who deserves it more than these kids? But the main miracle was what the gentleman and his wife went home with. That after spending a long day working in the city and then driving hours home, he probably would have preferred to relax with his family after dinner, but instead he came away from the evening saying there was no better way he could have spent his time.

There are so many people who say they couldn't be foster parents. From the loving reactions from our friends and family, I know they all sell themselves short, but yes, it is a very personal decision. But it isn't the only way to help and be a part of these kids lives. Any talent can be used in any number of ways. And it isn't long before you realize you aren't only doing for the kids, but you end up taking something so emotionally fulfilling away in the end too.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I'm watching you

JJ came to us last week and did this to us, in his serious voice (giving the Freddy look, those that know my dad know what that means) saying "I'm watching you." We busted out laughing, it was too perfect not to. Where kids get things, I don't always know, and it's probably best not to, but I have to give my kids thanks for lightening my days!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dont talk to strangers?

While my mom told me not to talk to strangers, she didn't know one. Anywhere I went with my mom she would start a conversation with anyone over anything. Maybe it was from being from a large family who talks, A LOT. In reality, people were just drawn to her, and while I am biased, it was with reason. She always had a ready smile, soft voice, great advice, and kind words. When I was younger, yes, it did embarrass me. But honestly, it left an impression on me, because, yes, I do it too. JJ is constantly asking if that person or this person is my friend. People approach me, or I approach them. It could be about the weather, my kids, how to make something, or trying to help, but there is always an opportunity. (You should have seen the day I was helping a cashier with a non-english speaking family. JJ telling me I was a real-life Dora gave me a good fit of laughter.)

But, recently, I noticed some people don't understand it. Not all, most people still do want to talk, but it still saddens me that so many are stuck in their own little world. Gone are the days when we knew everyone at the corner store or our neighbors. We no longer know the names of our local police officers protecting us (ok, I do, but it's different in our case.) Many parents don't have a personal relationship with their kids schools. People are pushing loneliness way too quickly by putting on their own blinders.

We are becoming a society so centered on going to work, going to the store, and getting home, that we miss out on so much. Last week I would have missed out on the older gentleman telling me about driving a school bus for years. Today I would have missed the grocery clerk in another line offering to box with my 6 year old, who in turn told him he would come back for him tomorrow. And sometimes, I just need a smile, just as much as someone might need one from me. I was raised if you make eye contact, you smile.

I am sorry if some people might feel it an intrusion on their personal time. But it's worth that 1 in 10 who might feel that way for the other 9 people who don't. Especially because once in awhile there is someone I talk to who needs that extra smile because they don't have it at home, and yes, from experience, I do know that happens much more than many of us realize.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My must read

A friend recently posted this video on her blog, and it made it on my list of must reads. I went to the store today, thinking it came out later this month, so I was going to pick up another book I wanted, but I was happily surprised this was already released, TODAY! Lately I haven't wanted to read my standard romance or suspense, but a true story. This fits the bill!