Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 7 - A Week of Thanks (late) and THANKSGIVING

I missed last night's 7th day of Thanks due to "fixing" the computer. So, on that note, I give thanks for the computer & the Internet. With having such a large family spread all over the globe, and friends stretching out just the same, being able to stay in contact and involved in each others lives so easily, often, and cheaply is a blessing!

My original thanks was going to be my gratefulness for those that touched my life but have left. My grandparents (especially both of my Pop-Pops), uncle and aunts (especially my "2nd" dad Uncle Thomas) and of course my mom. To have had them, even if the time was too short, in and of itself is a blessing. They could never be replaced, and the time spent with them, the memories made, will never be forgotten.

I used to love romantic movies, 1 of my old favorites was Hope Floats. There's an old saying, most would not think too significant, but it sticks with me in regards to the love of family and friends MY CUP RUNUTH OVER.

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 6 - A Week of Thanks

I'm thankful to a home and food on the table. How many others have received the email that says if you have a job, a home, and food, you are better off than 90% or more of the world's population. It may not be up to everyone's standards, but its ours. The only thing I'd like to change is add on a bunch more rooms so we could add on a bunch more to the family!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 5 - A Week of Thanks (again, on time!)

I'm thankful for my job! I know how precious that is in this economy! What makes it better is that I enjoy what I do and I adore the people I work with, and work for! It keeps me sane and allows me to put food on the table. I do NOT take that for granted!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 4 - A Week of Thanks (today!)

I'm thankful for my friends. I can't believe the great group of women that have surrounded me in the past couple of years, mostly new (treasured) friends and a couple "old" (priceless) friends who popped back into my life, as well as the steadfast mainstays who have stuck by me forever! I don't know what I would've done without you all in so many situations! When my mom passed, my Dad moved, I went back to work, needed to complain about John or others, when I needed questions answered on mothering, or just someone to talk to about nothing. You've all managed to lift my spirits when amazingly there would've been no way for you to even know they needed lifting. You all brought me out of my shell one way or another. I was always the type of person who trusted few, kept only a few people close. I never knew how wonderful it is to have so many people there for me, and how great it is to know you want me to be there for you!

Day 3 - A Week of Thanks 11/21/09

I can't seem to catch up, so guess there will end up being 2 posts today!

So, for Saturday, I'm thankful for my family! The Duggars can try to compete all they want, the Johnson family is bigger (yeah, I know, not by much.) And the Hayghe side is of course full of love and strength as well! I'm so lucky to have been born into such a wealth of love. I've had people say how they had no family to spend the holidays with, which makes me realize the importance of the I have the over-flow I have been blessed with, which I am greatly thankful for! Personalities may not always mesh, hey, it happens with people who are pretty much alike, but we all come back together! Family was stressed to me growing up, NOW I know why, they are the ones going to be there for you. Look how many people who have my back ;)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 2 A Week of Thanks 11/20/09

I'm so immensely thankful for my boys! They bring so much joy into my life, even when I want to pull my hair out! There's nothing closer to God than the innocence of a child! If I could, I'd repeat my grandparents and add 18 more! Wish our house was as big as the room in our hearts (hey Steve, wanna add on for us?) I'm never more content than when the house in noisy and in an uproar. Will there ever be a time when I want the house to be quiet? What would I do with myself then? It would have to be incredibly boring to have them gone all the time!
And John, JJ looks more like me, so there ;)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 1 - A Weekof Thanks

I'm thankful for my hubby. John puts up with 1 stubborn woman without being a push-over b/c Heaven knows I don't want a wimp! He indulges in just about all of my requests and hobbies and once in awhile is so sweet to surprise me with something I forgot I even asked for. I know I'm lucky to have someone who doesn't just give me a peck hello or goodbye, but actually wraps me in a bear hug. And you know, I think something wrong if I walk by him and he manages not to grab me in 1 way, shape, or form. I know I'm not always a ton of laughs to deal with and I'm quite vocal when I feel he isn't either, but he's managed to stick by me for more than 10 years now, I'll start writing up the award now ;) Love ya!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

OMG I SOOO needed a laugh

Many of you already saw my facebook post on being sick of other people lying and hurting those I care about. I fully believe if they spent that same energy on themselves they would find their own happiness and not feel the need to drag others down to their dysfunction. Trying to steal my family's happiness does not give them their own! I will not allow people to try to thwart my efforts to give my family all sense of happiness, safety, and contentedness possible!

And to a point, that means I have to take away their control over me too, I have to set the example and not let them get to me. So, to prove I can still find humor in life no matter what's thrown my way, and to find the pure joy in life by sharing the laughs with my boys, I am officially sticking my tongue out at those idiots.

So, there!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Abcence DOES make the heart grow fonder...

I wasn't raised with my siblings, so I got used to time to myself and able to stretch out in the bed. I think that's why I married a cop, I knew there would be periods of time to myself due to swing and night shifts (ok, ok, yeah, the uniform had a lot to do with things too.) When John came back to DJS I jokingly told him we'd have to go to marriage counseling once he was home all the time. Of course that didn't happen, but lately he's been in supervisor training across the bridge so I've had the bed to myself (well, as much as possible with JJ sneaking into it) and I love it, but then I also think I appreciate him more once he does come home. I also feel pretty special when he then doesn't go into work so he can spend some time with me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It should not be this hard....

.... to come up with a wish list for my Secret Santa!