Saturday, June 27, 2009

What you see

The scan of this paper scrap papge distorted it, but I still had to share!

Friday, June 26, 2009

I'm claiming this kid...

John always gives me an eye roll when I say JJ looks like me. Honestly, I always said everyone saw what they wanted, who they wanted to see. It was the same way with me growing up, I was such a mix of my parents it could've gone either way (though there's not much doubt anymore, I look like my mom, just darker like my Dad.)
But, by chance I came across this picture earlier this week, and JJ's just about a carbon copy of me.
We always did say that Johnson bone structure was dominate, there's no denying it anymore!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

If this is the worst thing that happens......

This is easy enough to forget, we take a lot for granted until something puts it all in perspective for you, but the next time someone cuts your off in traffic, your have to rearrange your schedule for something, you burn dinner, you get coffee on your shirt 1st thing in the morning, or whatever seems to set our days off wrong, remember, "if this is the worst thing that happens today, I'm doing pretty good."

Then, when the big things happen, you can really have the emotional allotment to grieve, otherwise, be thankful and appreciate how special the lives are that we have been given! And really, when those big things do happen, take an inventory of those around you, and still find that piece of gratefulness to get you through.

Oh, and by the way, thanks everyone for being the good things that happen!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The world is full of users

Since my life was heavily influenced by song, it comes as no surprise that periods of my life, even books I read, are stored away in my head with their own "soundtrack."

I think right about now, if I'm unfortunate enough to remember the most recent events, this is what will accompany the memories since I can't seem to get it out of my head.

Oh, well, at least I'm also giggling to myself. Got to get a laugh off it all, can't let them drive me crazy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Surrounded by beautiful!

I just wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful birthday wishes, cards and presents! You all have added such indescribable beauty to my life!

Mu cup runeth over!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The emotions are already hitting me...

As most of you know, its almost 2 years ago that I lost my mom. Last year was hard and this year the emotions have already started. I'm hearing this song A LOT lately and I feel its a sign, the lyrics alone, but also Alan Jackson was 1 of her all time favorite artists. It's bringing me comfort, the same time it's bringing me tears.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Let's go bug hunting

JJ's normally amazingly lucky at finding ladybugs, but he was disappointed not to find any Saturday. But mommy did manage to find him a handful of bees and 1 poor lightening bug that didn't seem to have any spark.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What's silly string?

Mommy, what's silly string?
Oh, THAT'S silly string!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I did it!!!

More than 10" going to Locks of Love and another for styling! No more headaches from heavy ponytails (at least for awhile, lol.) All my Dad could say was "why would you go and cut all that pretty hair." So some pretty little girl going bald, for whatever reason, can feel a little better about herself!
(Don't mind that its a bad pic of me!)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Y is for YOU

This is probably 1 of my fav pages so far, but I will not attempt another layout like this again, way too much detail in getting them cut right!

Someone switched kids on me

Gone is the little imp who would hang on to my leg or insist I carry him, ever so quietly in any public place. He was replaced without my realizing it with the banshee who runs screaming down the aisle, asking over and over "what's this" or "mommy look at this." Gone is the child who would hide his face in whichever body part of mine that was closest if anyone talked to him that he didn't know very well. I was left with a child who instead asks what the person's name is that is talking to him, or starts an impromptu game of peek-a-boo in a fit of laughter. I miss the little boy who is gone, can you bring him back? But wait, no, you can't take this little boy back, I want to keep them both.

And you know, come to think of it, this isn't the first time this has happened! Suddenly now we have a young man in our midst yet just the the day there was this little boy who wanted to play wrestlers or a Scooby-Doo game with me. The same little boy who would fit in the play area tunnels with me for a game of hide-n-seek would now be bumping his head. Gone is the little boy who would sit to be read to, replaced instead with a teenager who will be driving next year, graduating in three.

See what happens when you blink, its a dangerous thing.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Got crabs?

John brought home crabs last night. Oh, man, they were the best! Gotta love summer on the shore! Next, to the boardwalk for some Thrashers fries!

Monday, June 1, 2009

E is for Eyes

Close to being done JJ's "ABCs of Me" album!